Housing Help

<p>Can you guys give me pros, cons and suggestions for the following housing choices for guys? What are some #1 and #2 choices? I am so lost and I need to decide soon.</p>



<p>There are like two posts about this on my thread. Search it.</p>

<p>Personally, I liked hilltop the best, but as far as dorms, I'd have to say DO NOT go with McCutcheon/Harrison; you will hate yourself. They are like a mile away from campus. From your list, Hillenbrand is the best bet. But Owen has a good location and is just a couple of steps from Ford dining court :)</p>

<p>Hate to break it to you but Hillenbrand is full. It's sophmores and higher only. No freshmen has ever lived there. Distance really doesn't matter cause theres busing and the walk isn't really that far. When you start living on campus you will notice.</p>

<p>How is Hillenbrand full? If they are giving a RANDOM assignment to everyone on May 1st, then how can anyone even be assigned?</p>

<p>"Students who apply for housing by May 1 will be assigned a random number via a lottery system for housing assignments."</p>

<p>Because upperclassmen have the first choice. They have already picked their residence for next year, I believe. Us freshmen will be put into a lottary for whatever is left, which is nothing in Hillenbrand's case.</p>

<p>I'm sorry, but you must be slightly retarted if you didn't know that most schools do a lottery system for freshmen. But upperclassmen choose there dorms by seniority. Every upperclassmen chose their dorms like a month ago and they have their room assignments already I believe. And Hillenbrand will never have a freshmen so too bad.</p>

<p>i havent seen anybody talk about Wiley on any of these forums. why is that?</p>

<p>I dont know about anyone else, but walking with a heavy backpack on a slippery snowy day in -30 Fahrenheit weather from Hilltop to class was bad enough. I can only imagine how bad it must be when you have to do it from McCutcheon/Harrison cuz the busses are full of other students who don't want to walk. Just my two cents.
And BTW, Wiley aint too shabby either. If Hillenbrand is full go with Wiley/Owen/Merideth. Wiley's got good central location. Owen is close to lots of buss stops and close to ford dining court. Merideth has an awesome location as well.</p>