Housing Information

I was recently accepted into Madison, but I am still waiting to hear back from other colleges. Is Madison first-come-first-serve when it comes to housing or if I were to submit my housing application late March, would I have the same chance of getting the dorm I want as a student who submitted their application in December. Also, can you fill out a housing application and NOT accept the admission decision?

Wisconsin-Madison is not first-come first-served for housing. Anyone submitting their housing contract before May 1 has the same chance of getting their top choice residence hall.

^^Except perhaps if the top choice is a Learning Community because I think those are filled before May 1.

Yes, agreed. A good point raised by @Madison85.

@Madison85 – I thought (could be wrong, getting older . . . .) that learning community preferences were due at the same time, as part of the housing preference form, but that the student then gets to choose their specific room in the designated learning community space, whereas other students waited several more weeks for their room assignment.

You better check when your housing contract is due. It may be within a specified time of admission. Once submitted you can cancel it by May 1st (in writing to Res Halls, not just UW) if you do not attend UW. There is a housing lottery in May, choices need to be ranked by then. Plus the above mentioned learning communities which may/may not be for you.

Short answer- check your housing contract due date! Then- lottery.