Housing question

My son has identified 3 roommates. Two have the first day of room selection. One has the last day. My son does not have room selection. The last day roommate is pulling my son in. Since he has the last day, I think it is highly unlikely they will get the same room as the first two, and also unlikely to find 2 spots open on the last day. So I have a feeling that my son might not get pulled in.

Will housing look at his profile and at least try to match him with someone who is compatible? Or, will it be a completely random placement? He is not into parties and doesn’t drink or smoke, so I am concerned it will be a mismatch.

On the other hand, he has three engineers who want him as a roommate, but I believe since he is not engineering he can’t live in Bryant with them. I plan to ask housing tomorrow.


The 2 with the earliest times should pull the 2 with the later times in. It makes no sense to have the last day roommate pulling your son in. If the 4 of them truly want to be together the 2 earliest boys need to change their selected roommates to the 2 later boys. You are right about the engineering…I dont think he can live there if he is not an engineering student. I would imagine that housing does it’s best to match but the questions they ask are limited, however, many people have said their kids have done fine when going random. The beauty of the suites is that he will have his own room and the ability to just close his door for privacy. A white noise machine will help as well with keeping out the noise. Even the best matched roommates can have problems.