
<p>how's the housing like at ucla and which type of housing and which building is the best? i'm looking into plazas and halls. double or triple occupancy? for the plazas and halls, do people actually get close to others on the same floor? is there a real difference in plazas and halls except for the bathroom situations? i took a tour and the tour guide told the group that halls are the best in meeting people bc they take floor trips together to places like disneyland and interact during bathroom trips. i know the basic facts of the housing but i want like personal experiences. thanks!</p>

<p>anybody know anything about the housing question?</p>

<p>do the halls. plazas/suites tend to be anti-socia. HALLS ROCK.</p>

<p>I've heard that De Neve Plaza is extremely quiet and has mostly second year students.</p>

<p>I'm a first year and chose to live in De Neve and i love it!! plus the private bathroom is definitely a plus! and not all the plazas are antisocial..mine sure wasnt! we had floor trips everywhere from venice beach to kayaking in the ocean. Yes the halls are probably a better choice if you want a surefire way to make friends but really you'll make friends anywhere. If anything its sunset village that's anti social....</p>

<p>does anyone happen to have any indoor pictures of halls and plazas? thanks a bunch!</p>

<p>On the housing app, we're supposed to mention our top choices. 1st is obviously going to be the halls, but what should be next? Suites or plazas?</p>

<p>oh gosh, i'm gonna have to pull up the pictures.</p>

<p>This is Hedrick Summit (Plaza)</p>

<p><a href="http://community.webshots.com/album/457049785PuraTP%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://community.webshots.com/album/457049785PuraTP&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>p.s sorry for the bad quality and some of them arent rotated</p>