
Does anyone know how hard it is to get into Dejope as a freshman?

As with all of the dorms you could be lucky to get your first choice or not be that lucky. You need to rank your choices regardless of those chances. You also need to accept getting your second, third… choice. Someone has to get the popular dorm you want- it could be you. Remember- dorms open to freshmen will be at least 50% freshmen if it is like recent years.

If a deposit is not put down by April 1, are you not allowed to have university housing? Or is it just that you don’t get your preferences considered?

Unless you choose a learning community, it’s basically luck-of-the draw regarding your prefernces. Students have an equal chance to receive their last choice as their first choice and all residence halls must be ranked.

If that were true, there would be no point in ranking.

Disagree about an equal chance for first/last choice- someone else can do the math equations. Not everyone will rank the same way. It is important to realize you may not get one of your top rankings so it is important to pay attention to the order you list dorms.

Typically more students want to live in Res Halls than can be accommodated so if you do not meet the deadline you likely will not get in. If they accept your contract/deposit you may still get temporary housing at the beginning of the school year until enough students leave Res Halls for various reasons (all get the house amenities but may be using a den or the Ag Short Course dorms). From what I’ve read about other schools UW is better- no cramming more students into rooms than they were intended for, good meal plan, no first come, first serve room choices, good maintenance in all dorms from oldest to newest.

Submit your contract by the deadline or plan on other living arrangements.

I agree that it’s really nice they don’t do first come, first served. Many schools pressure you to give them a deposit by telling you that your housing priority depends on date of your deposit. I’m grateful to UW for realizing that some students are admitted later and that some just don’t have enough information to make a decision yet.

My daughter wound up with one of her middle choices and was in Kronsage. It wound up to not be a great roommate situation and she went to housing in October. They put her on a wait list and within two weeks she was moved. Kronsage was okay, though a little far from everything she was doing. She probably would have stayed, but the roommate was unbearable.

@Wayneandgarth My comment about ranking is almost a direct quote from UW-Madison’s housing website.

See below for link.


I had another hall as my first choice, but was invited to participate in Learning Community selection. What does this mean?

If you select a room during the Learning Community Room Selection process, this will be your room assignment for 2015-16 and you will not go through our mass assignment process in May. You are finished and have guaranteed your assignment!

If you decide you would rather not live in a learning community, you will instead go through our mass assignment process. This computerized system does not guarantee assignment to your first choice hall since you have an equal chance of being assigned to your first or last choice.

@madison85 - thanks for sharing that. I would think that Housing makes that statement so that fewer students come back at them upset about receiving one of their lower ranked choices. But, if they are asking you to rank, the rankings must have some bearing in actuality.

I do NOT see the logic in that statement- probabilities don’t work that way. I think someone in Res Halls marketing doesn’t know enough logic.

Res Halls promotes the learning communities or they may not be noticed by many who would enjoy them. Getting to choose a room/roommate is only worth it if you want that dorm/lifestyle.

Admitted last week. Have not received housing contract yet. Understand the contract is due April 1st?

Attended a UW Housing orientation tour a while back and the student tour guide mentioned that if you were admitted close to the second admissions deadline of 3/31, that your housing contract would be extended beyond the April 1st date.

Not finding answers on line. Can anyone provide some info on this?


You will have time for the housing contract even if you get you acceptance close to/ after the regular deadline. Two weeks???

Thanks wis75.
Go Badgers

Housing contract arrived this AM.
Due date for return is 4/15.

Can anyone explain how the Learning Community Selection Process works? I am interested in being in the Chadbourne Residential College @Madison85

Rank a LC first and then you will be able to log in and choose your exact room.
