
I think my daughter will be down to the wire with her college decision. If she chooses Madison she will really want to live in the WISE learning community. Anyone know if this is hard to get into and if she waits too close to May 1 to make her decision is this something that she might miss out on?

Ask Res Halls your question.

Thank you - I did just that. Madison does housing totally by lottery so as long as your application is in by May 1 you have the same chance as everyone else. That helps.

ok so basically i was just wondering about all the dorms in general, especially if chadbourne is social or not! I also really want to know if there are private dorms at UW Madison because where im from they are a big thing! lmk your opinions on chad and the private dorms plz

Yes, Chad is social, and is centrally located with a dining hall.

There is private housing, such as Statesider, Towers, and Lucky.

Prices between UW housing and privates are not comparable – UW room and board ranges from a total of about $10,500 - $13,500 for the whole year, depending on the type of room and meal plan. Leases at privates are for 12 months, not just the academic year, so you are paying for the summer whether you will be there or not, and the prices do not include board. I looked quickly at current rates at Statesider and they start at about $11,500 for the year for a shared double room (not board). Students may think they will sublease their private housing for the summer, but there are far more 12 month leases in Madison than there are students who need summer housing. Starting in late winter/early spring, the FB housing group is filled with increasingly frantic students discounting the price of their expensive housing for summer subleases in order to recoup something.

@sunnryz Regarding WISE, check with Res Halls as well but as recently as 2 years ago, WISE spots were gone within minutes of the appointment time to log in and choose a Learning Community room.

I am just seeing this thread. My son did not say anything about a May 1st housing deadline. Is this the same for freshmen and transfers?

@Kimo1999 Maybe this helps, if the link shows up? I found it by doing wisc.edu then transfer housing – seems that transfers have more choice/control in UW housing than incoming first years.

Any Bradley Learning Community fans or detractors out there? pros? cons?