
<p>Can i apply for University housing and for Private dorms? When will i know which University dorm i am in? Also besides the statesider which private dorm is nice without an overwhelming amount of coasties?</p>

<p>by the way, im looking to go greek my 2nd year and im a business major, where do most pre-greek b majors stay?</p>

<p>I got a packet saying I have to send in $50 and choose my housing by April 7th(i think, i'll double check later). It wants me to write down my choices in order. They say number each dorm from 1st choice all the way to my 17th choice. What is the best dorm?</p>

<p>Smith, Chadbourne, Waters, Tripp</p>

<p>I also just got my packet and am trying to figure out what to rank for dorms. Smith looks good because its new and air conditioned...where is the action on campus, which dorms are near the social scene and is that a good thing at Wisconsin? any info on the dorms would be helpful.</p>

<p>Alright i know private dorms are nicer but since private dorms are "off campus" do you lose the college/campus experience?</p>

<p>what are the private dorms?</p>

<p>No, they are really part of the campus area and as tied in as the regular dorms. Private dorms include the Towers, Statesider, Regent, Langdon and Princeton .</p>

<p>which private dorm has the best mix of people, which is the least "snobbish", can u tell me anything about the towers and highlander?</p>

<p>How were you informed about the private dorms? Was the information sent with your housing packet? or after?</p>

<p>They are the two most popular. The Towers tends to have more Jewish kids by tradition.</p>

<p>I know someone that lives in a private dorm and she said that she's having a bad experience because she has to take a shuttle to her classes because it's so far.</p>

<p>I was thinking about doing private because i heard many out of staters do but now im rethinking...</p>

<p>Most of the private dorms are as close as the Southeast publis ones. UW is a very big and especially long campus. Lots of kids ride a bus to some classes at big schools and it is free. UM has two campuses about two miles apart so you have to ride between them.
Also forget about using a car but a scooter is VERY cool and popular.</p>