
<p>My first choice was the new honors dorm Posada San Pedro and I did not get it even though I applied back in October when I was accepted. My second choice was Cinega and I got it. Its the same model and right next to it just not honors.</p>

<p>Ok I applied halfway through feb. with Posada San Pedro as my first choice and I got my housing assign. yesterday and that is where I was assigned. My problem is that I will not know anyone in Posada San Pedro and would like to be reassigned to Yuma where I will know people. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>I got assigned to Gila... That wasn't even one of my freakin choices, lol.</p>

<p>cloudsage, isn't one of the goals of going to college to meet new people? Try to see this as an opportunity to expand your friend base. If you already know people in Yuma, you can certainly spend some time visiting over there and get to know your friends' friends as well as the new ones you make in PSP. Sometimes what we first see as a disappointment ends up being a bonus in our lives...</p>