UA Dorms

<p>Can anyone give suggestions to the best UA dorms for non honors college students? Thanks</p>

<p>What do you consider good? New or best location? I know that Coronado is the worst dorm by rep. Most bust for pot use and MPIs.</p>

<p>Whatevers the newest, looks the nicest, and has good rooms. a nice party/social scene would be good too!</p>

<p>Hi! The nicest newest dorms are villa del puente, pueblo de cienega, and la paz. They also probably cost the most, but they're right next to the rec center and highland market.

<p>Thanks Teressa for your info. The UA forum here is kinda slow which sucks.</p>

<p>The best dorms are Villa Del Puente, Pueblo de la cienega and La Paz. It also really depends on what your priorities are. Arizona/Sonora has the largest rooms on campus, all newly rennovated, but is a loud, completely unregulated and party-oriented. Coronado is very social, and used to have a reputation of being the biggest party dorm on campus (still does to an extent), but they have cracked way down to an annoying extent (residents must come down, scan swipe cards and escort friends during weekend nights, always surrounded by police, etc.). Also, with being the largest dorm they have a lot of incidents such as fire alarms being pulled at 3am (happens more often then you can imagine). Most of my friends who live there love it as it is very social, and I love visiting and spending time there, but would never want to live there. The dorms which I listed as "the best" really are the best: decent sized rooms (except La Paz, which varies a lot) all but La Paz are brand new and have really nice layouts, convenient and fun locations, relatively quiet, kept up and just all around comftorable and nice. </p>

<p>Just a warning: you may hear a lot of suggestions to pick AZ/SO and Coronado as they are party dorms, but it is not what it seems. AZ/SO has the best rooms, but is a **** hole. It has taken over Coronado's position as the most out of control, unregulated, insane and horrific party dorm. It may initially seem like fun, depending on what type of person you are, but eventually you will probably come to hate it. Not being able to sleep, do homework or study in your room or go into your hall/bathroom on an averge night without there being some sort of disaster area (aka puke EVERYWHERE, urine on the floor, trash, etc.) makes it a pretty horrible place to be. To others, it is immediately hell on earth. To som, it is the perfect place to be. I advise evaluating priorities and what kind of living situation would be most comftorable to you. It might be fun to occasionally visit those places, but when you can't escape it, it's terrible. At least in my experience...</p>

<p>Hope I could help.</p>

<p>Yeah, i have friends in az/so and they HATE all the noise. They've talked about on the weekends how the stairwells always smell like puke, and in the halls there's loud music blasting all night long starting after quiet hours. Don't live there...

<p>I'm a freshman at UA who is extremely bored on break right now (which is why I'm here) and AZ/SO is definitely the best dorm on campus. VDP, La Paz, and Cienega are crappy because while the rooms are nice, they are very quiet and boring. AZ/SO has HUGE rooms and it's fun so I would say it is definitely the place to be. There are some problems with it (such as the large amount of frat guys) but I think it is overall the best dorm on campus. It's better than Coronado because it doesn't have as many greeks (it has a lot, but not too many), it isn't as strict (Coronado has cameras all over the place and makes you sign in when entering the dorm on Friday and Saturday nights before 3 AM), and has bigger rooms. Don't listen to the rest of the people here, if you want to party then stay at AZ/SO. However, if you do want a quiet dorm where you won't meet as many people, then maybe Cienega or VDP is a better bet, but it doesn't seem like you want that. AZ/SO is the best whether you are going greek or not, there's a lot of both.</p>

<p>My son chose this as second choice over Villa. Just found out he got AZ-SO. Tell me again the advantages of AZ-SO, as it sounds like Villa's location and being newer made it the better dorm. I know the rooms are bigger in AZ-SO, but beyond that, what would make it a better choice?</p>

<p>I ended up applying for housing, and my list was:</p>

<li>Villa Del Puente (according to UA's housing site, rooms are slightly biggers tha AZ/SO, plus the pics looks nice and new)</li>
<li>Coronado (Shared bathrooms seems like a plus)</li>
<li>La Paz</li>

<p>What do you guys think of this list? Now I kinda regret having Coronado over AZ/SO, but not having community bathrooms seems pretty cool. Also, any chance that I'll get VDP? Do freshman usually get those rooms, or no? I'm assuming I won't get it since I just applied for housing a few days ago, but either way...I'd be fine with Coronado/AZ-SO. I kinda regret my decision now since people are saying VDP isn't as loud.</p>

<p>D is a RA. Scorondo is considered hell. AZ/SO not much better. Both are loud and have Freshman who seem to party more than anything. I also believe RAH thinks that they keep getting the same people there because of the "party" rep they both have. </p>

<p>Honestly, sharing a bathroom with someone who never cleans it is worse then sharing a community bathroom that is cleaned everyday. </p>

<p>Mostly Freshman in all the dorms, La Paz is the number 1 requested dorm. Since you have applied for housing later in the cycle.....don't know what you'll get. Last year a quite a few were wait listed in dorms (April applicants)and stuck in rooms with RAs. After a week of school, most everyone had a room.</p>

<p>Is it ever possible to go on a waiting list for your first choice if you didn't get it?
The noise and party rep. of AZ-SO isn't sounding so good.</p>

<p>Do you guys know anything about the rooms themselves in Coronado? I called housing today, and they told my that I'll probably end up getting Coronado (my #2 choice) since VDP (#1) is basically full. People seem to say that AZ/SO has HUGE rooms...and according to UA's site, Coronado's are a bit close. would you say the rooms themselves look decent?</p>

<p>so i’m trying to figure out what dorm to apply for. me and my friend want a big room. i we can deal with the parties, but is there anything better? and does AZSO hav personal bathrooms.</p>

<p>If you want a big room, go for one of the Highland dorms (Posada, Villa, Cienega, and the other one I can never remember the name of). Those are probably the largest rooms on campus. I’m pretty sure AZSo has community bathrooms, and some of its rooms are triples.</p>

<p>If I have to apply for housing in March what dorms will i be likely to get as a freshman I really don’t want Coronado as I know for a fact that it is a crap hole…any suggestions?</p>

<p>Freshman can live in any dorm. I know I got my first choice, so it really isn’t too terrible trying to get into one. I suggest reading through this thread for opinions on dorms or else telling us what you want.</p>

<p>Are housing deposits refundable?</p>

<p>I am trying to get my son to give me his dorm choices, he cannot find anyone who knows anything about the dorms.</p>

<p>Can someone give me a list, per my last post about this, he is a CA surfer, likes to party but an athlete and Mom thinks he should NOT be partying all the time…</p>


<p>He’ll find parties if he really wants to. Go Cochise it’s small and quiet but still a lot of fun.</p>

According to UA web site you need to apply AND pay the (non-refundable) Housing deposit ($150) before March 1 to be guaranteed on-campus housing (you may not get your first choice though, but you will get housing). You do not need to pay the Tuition enrollment deposit by March 1, I think that has to be done by May 1 (if you choose to pay the enrollment deposit, that is refundable up to May 1). The housing and enrollment deposits are separate matters. After you do the online housing application, AND pay the housing deposit (which you can do online), you will be assigned your residence hall. You will then be issued a Lease Agreement and date upon which you will need to sign. If your housing assignment date is “earlier” than May 1, you will have up to May 1 to sign the Lease Agreement. This will confirm your housing for term you apply (full academic year vs Spring only term) The web site can be sort of confusing, so you may want to contact someone in housing for better clarification.</p>