<p>DOes anyone know when the housing application is closed? and is it already? I went onto the application and it said closed, but another one said closed for 2007-08 so is it not open yet? I am freakin out a little bit!</p>
<p>Never mind… I just applied :P</p>
<p>clb… where did you choose?
My son put the 3 towers on central campus.</p>
<p>Ya I did too… They were the only Central campus ones offered… I think I put Carrol first, but Im not sure, I just randomly chose it haha</p>
<p>so did he. He just wanted central campus, but 10 guys to 1 bathroom sounds rough to me!!</p>
<p>Haha ya thats what Im thinking… girls will probably be worse! But I think (& hope!) central campus is worth it, at least for the first year.</p>
<p>Don’t worry. It will work out. There are two sinks,two showers and two toilets for 10 people. My youngest S goes to ECU. His suite has eight guys but the bathroom only has one sink, shower,toilet! He says it’s rarely a problem because everyone is on a diff. schedule.</p>
<p>Ill add to that, its not too bad. At least with 10 people, your suite has 2 showers, unlike others (lee, bragaw, ect) where its 8 to one shower. Guys have it a little bit easier because it seems like many take showers at night, throw on jeans/tshirt in the morning and go. </p>
<p>I will say you’ll get very acquainted with the cleaning schedule as after a couple of hours most bathrooms get extremely disgusting.</p>
<p>EWWWW!!! Do you know how often they clean them???</p>
<p>haha, they clean them everyday thankfully.</p>
<p>whats wrong with east and west campus? why is everyone going for central?</p>
<p>I put bragaw down as my first choice and I think sullivan as second. I will probably put one of the tri towers down as my third but I am not sure which one is the best. any suggestions. I am an incoming freshman in COE so tucker and owen are not an option.</p>
<p>The towers are all right beside each other and pretty much identical I think…so it’s really just a coin toss.</p>
<p>I don’t think anything is wrong with either east or west. My son was just told by several people ( mostly freshmen) that it was “the place to be” as a freshman. So, he went with it!</p>
<p>Any information about UT? I heard it fills up fast. State is my safety but I might just send in the deposit for UT.</p>
<p>The web site is saying that the housing application is now CLOSED!!! i need help, how should i apply for housing for NCSU for fall 2009???</p>
<p>the website says log onto My Pack Portal click the student tab > campus life>univeristy housing>students requests.</p>
<p>Is this what you tried? Just call the residence life office if the online request is not working for you.</p>