
<p>I didn’t say you can choose a roommate. You can indicate your preferences for the type of roommate you’d like, but those preferences don’t extend to race. You can also call them, or email them and tell that even though you’re Korean, you are open to staying with a Purdue student of any race. I doubt that will help, but you can ask.</p>

<p>When grouping roomates, does housing automatically put students of the same race together??</p>

<p>^ No. My friends had roommates of different race. One of them lived in Hilltop and she had a white, chinese and black roommate. Most Internationals know others so they usually room together. It’s surprising when you see multiple amounts of students who came from the same high school in like Taiwan.</p>

<p>See, I would actually like an Asian roommate, because I really need to develop good study habits, and all of my Asian friends have helped me a lot and I think it would really help me to have that same sort of help next year too. I would also want them to be really social too.</p>

<p>^ To be honest, most Asians at Purdue is a fob. They tend to separate themselves from everyone else. Being Korean, I kind of know this since my old roommate’s friends were like that. Most of the minority students tend to stick with each other’s race, you will see the blacks with the blacks and the asians with the asians. No joke. The ones that socialize with others are the ones that are more legit (like me) :smiley: Most of the asian students tend to study at Hicks Underground library so I’m sure you can learn some good study habits from there.</p>

<p>actually you CAN pick your roommate, its just a matter of finding someone (facebook, email, or someone you know, etc). when you pick your dorm preferences, there is a roommate page and you just have to put down their purdue ID and name. you can always pick a roommate. i picked one my freshman year and i’m pretty sure its still set up the same way. if it wasn’t, people would have a fit. if you don’t request someone, they will put you together randomly-not by race.</p>