How academically challenging is your high school?

<p>I go to a pretty crappy public school. 90% of the classes are ridiculously easy and I'm not saying that in a pompous way as if they were easy for just me. They are easy for almost everyone. There grade inflation and the teachers are wayyyy too easy on us. I'd say on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not challenging in the slightest and 10 being insanely challenging, I'd give my high school a 3/10. Maybe a 5/10 this year because of Physics and AP Spanish.</p>

<p>I’d give my school a 9. They really enforce maturity and ability. I usually have 5 hours of homework every night.
All of the math classes in my school go way too fast. That makes it challenging, but not in a good way.</p>

<p>like an 11 out of 10… its a ridiculously hard school… we were ranked 4th in the state this year… its like argh annoying. Like I got a REALLY good mark in my final exams but I was still like only in the top 33% of my year event though I was in the top 2% of the state</p>

<p>My school is ridiculous. I’d give it a 9 too. Academically we are ranked top 85 in the nation and it takes more than a 5.09 gpa to be in the top 10%</p>

<p>I’m a current junior at a public high school in suburban LA with a class of about 400. I’m class valedictorian, got elected class president, have 4.0 UW GPA, and got 2370 on SAT. I’ve taking all honors/APs and gotten 5s on AP Calc I, AP Calc II, AP European History, AP Environmental Science, and AP Stat. This year my “hardest” classes are AP Bio, AP French, AP US History, and Calc III with a community college. Think I’m too academic? I run varsity XC, indoor, and outdoor track, and I’ve played piano at Carnegie Hall in New York. At DECA Nationals, I placed first. I’m VP of Debate Club and Assistant Editor-in-Chief of the school paper. I also work 15 hours on weekends as at a local insurance company.</p>

<p>The problem is: High school is such a joke. I have 98+ in every single one of my classes. Even while doing all of the above, I still have free time to waste on YouTube and browsing CC threads. I’m currently in the process of next year’s course selection and garbage electives don’t seem so appetizing.</p>

<p>I would give it a 3, only because I’m so awesome and I know it’s more difficult for others.</p>

<p>I go to a public school. We’re always ranked in the top 100, but we move around a lot in there, so I don’t pay attention to where we are. We’re in the top 40 now.
My school is pretty challenging. It only lets in students with above average IQs and a lot of people get kicked out in the early years. A lot of the students are self-motivated, so we challenge ourselves, but there are still a lot of great teachers here who take it to the next academic level. There are some areas where my school completely misses it, like modern languages, which are a bit of a joke. But other than that, my schools is pretty difficult. Anyone who takes it seriously gets stressed out frequently.</p>


<p>It’s just disgusting. This week I have two separate papers due: One is 15-20 pages and the other is 10-12. Fannnnnnnnnnnnnntastic lol</p>



<p>^lol that’s the single most arrogant statement I’ve ever seen on CC…go humility!</p>

<p>5-6. We’re the youngest (<10 years) and weakest academically of 4 schools in an above average and well funded school district. Our big things are sports, debate and marching band. We have decent teachers, but, particularly in math and science, we lack enough interested students to have challenging courses. Other local schools are older and have more of an academic tradition, I’d peg them as 6-7.5s.</p>

<p>I think you missed a thread DataBox</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>haha yeah, i missed that thread, but was aware that they weren’t your stats since i had already seen yours (excellent stats as well) on the caltech ea results thread</p>

<p>10, we’re best in state yo!</p>

<p>You guys are making me appreciate the fact that high school has been fairly easy for me, although this year my stress level has gone up. The only thing my school is known for excelling at is girl’s field hockey…</p>

<p>Like a 6… and were top school in the state. We average 1800 SATS and 25 ACTs, and were a large white public school. There is rampant grade inflation, which kills me.</p>

<p>in the past 5 years my school has sent over 20% of its students to ivy league schools. and that’s not counting other non-ivy top schools. that said, i refuse to rate its difficulty because i have no frame of reference</p>

<p>I would say 3-5. My situation is exactly the same as the OP’s. Normally it’s easier but senior year is tougher because of APs.</p>

<p>My school is probably a 5. We don’t rank, but we have an admissions process and we have just won a several hundred thousand dollar grant. Of course, I don’t take many courses at it. lol</p>

<p>I am, however, taking AP Physics online with a “Public elite” magnet school. They are a true 10/10. Let’s just say that those who are planning to attend MIT and major in physics (And have a decent shot) are struggling to maintain C’s and B’s.</p>

<p>on a scale of one to ten, my school is probably a 7. you can make it really hard if you want to, or you can coast through. most of the kids who take many APs dont sleep.</p>

<p>Maybe 4-5? It really depends a lot on the course selection. Some classes are a ton of work, and some are ridiculously easy. In my computer programming class, I did every single assignment with a perfect score with barely any work. That class was anarchy - people listened to loud music, played computer games, studied for tests in other classes, yelled at each other…I spent my time making bizarre programs and doing my AP English homework.</p>

<p>Depending on the courseload, it can be a 1 or an 8. The basic classes at our school are ridiculously easy, while the AP classes are all challenging.</p>