<p>^Uh, wrong. The Nvidia GTX 280 is the best on the market right now.</p>
<p>Nevertheless, this is really nice gaming rig.</p>
<p>[although I woundn't buy Alienware, you could have saved like $3,000 building it on your own]</p>
<p>^Uh, wrong. The Nvidia GTX 280 is the best on the market right now.</p>
<p>Nevertheless, this is really nice gaming rig.</p>
<p>[although I woundn't buy Alienware, you could have saved like $3,000 building it on your own]</p>
<p>And 16gb of RAM is overkill. Unless you are using specialized software for scientific research, there is absolutely no practical software or games that would take advantage with all the extra memory.</p>
<p>I doubt Intel Extreme could do enough processing for 16GB of RAM</p>
<p>Pffft, the duplicate roadrunner that I have stored in my garage has 106,086 gigs of ram. </p>
<p>Get out of here with your weak 16 gigs.</p>
<p>Edit: and it only cost me a trifling $133 million</p>
<p>My laptop is crappy, but funtionable, which is all I need.</p>
<p>I use my PC for gaming and torrenting a lot of stuff so I decided to build a really good one. </p>
<p>I bought all this stuff 9 months ago, I was so happy when I bought my 8800 gts because it was top of the line, but now it's not :((</p>
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+ (2 CPUs), ~2.8GHz (overclocked to 3.2)
2046MB RAM
Hard Drive:<br>
320 GB
Video Card:<br>
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS 512 (overclocked)
Operating System:<br>
Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6000) (6000.vista_gdr.071023-1545)</p>
<p>Monitor- 22" flat screen LCD</p>
<p>I also have 6 fans that keeps my PC nice and cool, but it's pretty loud for a pc</p>
<p>I am so glad I built my pc, saved about $400-800</p>
<p>i bought a new laptop liek a month ago
uhh dunno its features but i like it haha</p>
I have the same video card, and really even though its not the latest anymore, its still really good, and there really are no games that even take full advantage of the card.
I am still happy with the card!</p>
<p>Honestly, I have no idea.</p>
<p>But I know someone who went all out on his computer. Like, he bought a $60 gaming mouse pad.</p>
<p>I got a new Compaq c700 Laptop before graduation.</p>
Intel Pentium Dual CPU T2370 @ 1.73 GHz
2.00 GB RAM
Hard Drive:
148 GB
Video Card:
Mobile Intel 965 Express Chipset Family
Operating System:
Windows Vista™ Home Premium
Monitor- 17"</p>
<p>Lol the one that I use most of the time sucks. My family has eight, though, including laptops. Actually, nine now, since we got my sister a crappy laptop for a summer program. </p>
<p>My favorite one is this baby: HP</a> TouchSmart <333</p>
<p>Specs ~ HP TouchSmart IQ770</p>
<p>Display: 19" LCD panel with touchscreen overlay and stylus
Processor: Turion 64 X2 TL52 (T) DC 1.6 GHz
Memory: 2.00 GB, 4.00 allowed
Hard Drive: 320 GB SATA 3G (3.0 Gb/sec)
Video card: GeForce Go 7600
Some cool TV stuff (Windows Media Center)</p>
<p>...I don't actually know what some of that stuff means. But I love my baby. </p>
<p>Specs for this one ~ HP Presario R3200</p>
<p>Display: 15.4"
Processor: AuthenticAMD ~797 MHz
Memory: 512.00 MB
Hard Drive: 60 GB
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce4 420 Go 32 M</p>
<p>I love this one, too, even though it's not great. Lotsa good memories. :D</p>
<p>edit: Oh and on this computer I have a 250</a> GB external HDD where I keep all of my music. I seriously love it like a baby, lol.</p>
<p>Wow lots of people have pretty good computers.</p>
<p>haha you guys are the ONLY people who would brag about the memory capabilities of your computers!!</p>
<p>I have a 2007 Macbook...Yeah, that's about all I know about my computer. lol</p>
<p>Dell Inspiron 1525 Laptop</p>
<p>Core 2 Duo T8300 Merom CPU (@2.4)
320 HD 7200RPM
X3100 Integrated graphics card (Yeah... not for gaming but it was either this or pay much, much more)
Windows Vista Premium (It's really not that bad... Seriously. I like it much more than XP)</p>
<p>^ I bet that laptop sits on the desk most of the time.</p>
<p>I really don't see the point of having overly powerful laptops. Keep the gaming in your desktop and get a cheap laptop for everyday school use.</p>
<p>i just got a new laptop yesterday! my old toshiba (~7+ yrs old?) needs some repairing..</p>
<p>the new one is sony vista...uh... intel core 2 duo...that's all i know for now. i didn't pick it. but it's great</p>
<p>Oh, yeah, everyone knows the Mac OS X is the most advanced OS. So, going back on OP's original question, I have the most advanced computer. :p</p>
<p>This thread should be renamed, "Who has the best computer here?"</p>
<p>^ Or it should be renamed: "Who has the biggest e-peni s here?"</p>