How am I doing?

<p>So the first semester of freshman year is almost over and I'm a little concerned... in high school I took AP classes and graduated with a 4.3 GPA. However, the way things look right now I think I'll probably be sitting on a 3.0 for the first semester. I honestly feel like I've learned nothing first semester. I'm currently in University Studies, but I'm thinking of transferring into the business college to major in Accounting. </p>

<p>These are the classes that I took first semester:
Intro to Business Systems
Intro Chem
Calc w /matrices
Comm Skills
Modern World</p>

<p>I heard that your first year was supposed to be the easiest so that's why I'm worried about where I'm at right now. I got some AP credit so I'm planning to take easy A classes to help boost my gpa. Does anyone have any recommendations on what I should take or advice in general?</p>

<p>Hate to say it, but college is very different than H.S. and there is no such thing as an Easy “A”. Having a 3.0 is not bad by any means though, so don’t beat yourself up. </p>

<p>College is nothing like HS, I’m sure you realized by now. You’ve got to push yourself harder, because there is literally no one that’s gonna be helping you if you don’t try. Professors aren’t gonna email you and stuff when you’re grades are falling and try to help you, but they might offer assistance if you reach out first.</p>

<p>A 3.0 isn’t too good, but it really isn’t too bad either. Nothing you need to beat yourself up for. But yea, you should try and get it up if possible. Have you finished your CLE electives yet? If not try and look up some good ones to take. I took intro to psych, world regions, and music appreciation, and ended up with at least an A- in each one.</p>