3.0 first semester, good? bad?

<p>Hey, I pretty much got a 3.0 for my first semester of freshman year. Is that ok, or should I be worried?</p>

<p>There is a ton of information that isn’t here that is vital to answering that question.</p>

<p>What is your major? How many of your classes are in major? What classes did you have? What was the spread of grades (a bunch of Bs is better than a couple As and a couple C/Ds)? Did you struggle with things that you’ll be encountering later in your collegiate career?</p>

<p>Well, since you posted here, I’m going to take a wild guess and say you’re a bit worried :-)</p>

<p>As chuy said, we need more information. In any case, a 3.0 won’t tragically scar you for the rest of your time at VT, but that GPA could have far more negative effects depending on your major.</p>

<p>You can’t do much more for the GPA now, so focus on any remaining work and put it behind you after reflecting. Figure out what went wrong, and start off strong in the spring. A 3.0 GPA will be TERRIBLE if you don’t pinpoint the factors that hurt you. It will be much better if you can act on them and do better next time.</p>

<p>I’m undecided right now. I’m sorta leaning towards business. The only class I took that counts towards business was the math and I got an A. Then I’m pretty sure the rest of my grades are either low B’s or high C’s, and I took 15 credits (Calc, English, Philosophy, Psychology, Music in America).</p>

<p>Yeah, you should probably figure out what it is you actually want to study and then work a lot harder toward that.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that all these intro classes that you’re taking now will be easier than whatever you’re taking later. Use them to boost your GPA, don’t go the hard route and pray that you ace every upper-level class to make up for a lack of effort freshman year.</p>

<p>As far as GPA goes, Chang has a nifty scale regarding internships:</p>

<p><3.0 So sorry, too bad
3.0 - 3.5 Maybe
3.5 - 3.8 Good shot
3.8 - 4.0 Why yes we would like you to intern here</p>

<p>That scale isn’t accurate. Well, actually it may be for freshman but not for anything past that.</p>



<p>Not always the case. Example: Math 1015-1016 at the Empo. Terrible “intro” class for most. I’ve also found the science classes for CLE to be alot harder than my upper level in major courses. But I guess it just depends on the student haha.</p>

<p>Anyway. A 3.0 isn’t bad, but it isn’t great either. Technically, a B is described as “Good” on the University Catalog, so I see it as a decent starting point for your first semester. </p>

<p>Making a 3.0 during first semester can go either way for your future. You can either bring it up and get it to a 3.2-3.3 if you get mostly As, A-s, and B+s next semester. </p>

<p>Since it’s not a bad GPA, and assuming you want to do better, you have a better idea of how you should work to improve your GPA. Best of luck to you. Have a good break!</p>

<p>Are you being serious? A 3.0 isn’t bad at all, I’d love to have a 3.0. Then again it depends on your major. A 3.0 in an engineering or science major is great but in anything else it’s good(not bad). After being to like 4 engineering expos and career fairs, Most(not all) of the cut offs for internships are 3.0. Some are 2.8’s and some have none at all. As painful as it is, I have a 2.5 and still got an internship. It all depends on how much other positive things you have on your resume to make up for a bad gpa. However you can’t get an internship with huge well known companies with a less than 3.2 but you can get an internship in some decent company small or large. It all comes down to If you have experience doing what they are looking for and if you are a junior or senior. My freshmen year, they’d ask me what year I was before even asking gpa questions. They mostly look for juniors and seniors.</p>

<p>As for grad school, your on the low end for good grad schools but a 3.0 you can still get in grad school.</p>

<p>Like I said, it all depends on your major. I had a 2.8/3.2 my first 2 semesters then it all went downhill once engineering got hard. But if your in an easier major it shouldn’t be too hard to bring it up. Business is not as hard but still is somewhat challenging for some after speaking to friends in the major. </p>

<p>College is not High School, my general observation is that whatever you got in High School, expect a full 1.0 lower gpa in college if you put in the same work ethic that you did in High School. For example in High School I had a 3.5 now I have a 2.5 ect. A 4.0 would have a 3.0 ect. Of course you can change that by working harder or not at all.</p>

<p>When do final grades get posted to HokieSPA???</p>

Shit bag insurgent