<p>Rolling with the punches?</p>
<p>Overwhelmed by the constant juggling of NYC and classes?</p>
<p>Jaded? Please, do tell :)</p>
<p>Rolling with the punches?</p>
<p>Overwhelmed by the constant juggling of NYC and classes?</p>
<p>Jaded? Please, do tell :)</p>
<p>You seem to be enjoying the prospect that we'd be suffering. :D</p>
<p>Unfortunately for you, it's smooth sailing for me so far.</p>
<p>Just curious, thats all</p>
<p>Me too.... how do you guys handle social life and studies and such?</p>
<p>Well...if you don't have much of a social life to begin with...it's quite manageable :)</p>
<p>And if you manage to not have a social/academic life (such as yours truly), then college is coasting.</p>
<p>i love my life right now. social and academics-- yeauhhhh
writing for the school's paper, landing a wonderful job, decent amount of work that allows time for some partying, great floormates, even better roommates...i want to be a freshman forever</p>
<p>micheeatsfish ...how do get involved with the school papeR? do you just send stuff in? how would you know if no one else is covering the same story/? (sorry but...i could find any of this info on the WSN website and i missed the whole club fair thing)</p>
<p>getting involved with the paper started with like a meeting during welcome week. you just have to keep showing up to these meetings, and getting topics and writing them. after being published for awhile (a couple stories at least) they bump you up to staff writer, then you do staff shifts and stuff like that. the stories are pitched by the editors so they know if other people are writing it or not and make sure there arent duplicate stories. also when you become a staff writer you have to pitch some stories yourself and the editor will tell you if someone else is already writing about it</p>
<p>I'm currently doing well. love my dorm. landed an awesome internship that just got more awesome today. Joined a couple clubs ( i was going to write for wsn... but then i got my internship.. hehe). Supposed to play club softball but can't handle it till the spring.</p>
<p>Where do you intern?</p>
<p>I too found a nice job at a firm :)</p>
<p>is it too late to get involved? when and where are these meetings? aah i'd love to write something for it....thanks for your help!!</p>
<p>I'm an intern at a non-profit organization for called the white house project. I specifically a fundraising intern but all the interns (they're about 4 or 5 of us) collaborate on a project. We're selecting ours this friday. Honestly, i got offered another internship at a design firm but this one just seemed like it would be more interesting because they're widening their organizations focus, its an election year, and the intern project is something we create on our own and will be good for later in life. It's also to help stamp out the "non-profit bug"</p>
<p>Very nice. :)</p>
<p>I'm jealous. I applied to, say, a dozen internships about a month ago and have been snubbed by all but one (who made it clear that I suck).</p>