How are Cal Grants Awarded?

<p>So I get an email today saying I am ineligible for a Cal Grant, and when I check, it's because of too high an income. However, the income they displayed was reported on my original FAFSA. When the final results were in, I did the IRS Data Retrieval Tool, and the actual income was significantly less than what was reported originally, and I should be eligible now. Apparently, they don't consider the corrections I made to the FAFSA.</p>

<p>So what is the best move? I did the IRS Tool back in mid March. Will my school "fix" it and award the Cal Grant, or do I need to fix it with the Cal Grant people or what?</p>

<p>Thanks for any advice!</p>

<p>I don’t think you should leave a matter like this up to your school. Contact CSAC and find out what you need to do. I would imagine there is some sort of appeal process you can follow which may provide you your shot at getting the CalGrant. Good luck!</p>