How are roommates picked?

<p>Let’s say Joe gets to pick his room on a certain day. He wants to room with Sam, but Sam paid his deposits late and has a much lower selection priority. How does Joe pull Sam into his room? Does Sam get the benefit of Joe’s early registration, or is there a waiting game involved?</p>

<p>Somebody explain this labyrinthine room selection process to me. Thanks!</p>

<p>In this case, Sam could give Joe his proxy code and Joe could pull Sam into the room he (Joe) selected with no wait. Thus, Sam gets the benefit of Joe’s early registration, provided that the other spots in Joe’s room do not fill up before Joe pulls Sam into the room.</p>

<p>Once “joe” finds a suite with the desired number of openings and enters his proxy code it is supposed to “freeze” the remaining rooms for a very brief (couple of minutes) time for him to enter the proxy codes of his roommates into the other rooms within the suite. Just FYI when choosing roommates…if you are planning to live in honors housing, the roommates must also be eligible for honors housing. The only way for an honors and non honors to live together is to live in non honors. Keep this in mind when choosing.</p>

<p>I would suggest that you watch the video on the housing website, it tells you exactly how this process works with screen actually showing wher to click, etc. No need to worry, it is all very simple.</p>