Housing Selection Question

<p>Is it possible for someone who is not participating in room selection because she deposited after February 1 to be pulled into a room or suite by a prospective roommate during room selection? A girl from my D’s high school who is currently touring Bama (and hasn’t deposited yet) asked me this question, and since housing selection has changed in the couple years since my D did it, I didn’t know. I apologize if this has been covered before, but I didn’t find it in a search and I haven’t been paying much attention to housing threads.</p>

<p>Yes, roommates are pulled into rooms/suites during the selection process. </p>

<p>We’ve been getting a few questions about this process, so I’m going to add some detail to this thread.</p>

<p>Roommate Searches are now inside the housing application, instead of a separate website/login. Let’s say that your student, Adam, finds someone he wants to room with named Bob (A & B). Adam will send a roommate request to Bob. Bob can either accept or deny the request. </p>

<p>Once Bob accepts the request, the two students are now mutually confirmed. You will hear Housing staff refer to this as Confirmed Roommates. Either student will be able to pull the other student into a space.</p>

<p>So, in response to the OP, yes – a student going through room selection can be confirmed roommates with a student who applied after Feb. 1. </p>

<p>However, I would add as a reminder, that as we get closer to May room selection, waiting to complete the housing application will leave less time to search for and communicate with potential roommates.</p>

<p>Also, as a tip to those who have already applied: if a student has already confirmed their roommates choices, and no longer wishes to be in the pool of potential roommates, there is a checkbox in the housing application that says, “Allow others to search for my roommate profile.” You can go back into the application and uncheck this box. This will prevent you from getting future roommates requests, as well as saving new applicants time when they begin their roommate search.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!!!

<p>Thanks Janine! </p>

<p>When do kids already living on campus confirm that they would like their same dorm space for next year?
And is it at that time that he can pull in a confirmed roommate?</p>

<p>Janine - </p>

<p>Thank you for addressing this issue. I received a conflicting e-mail in January on this same issue:</p>

<p>"He will have to have a housing application in the system by February 1st in order to participate in room selection or having someone pull him into a room. The enrollment deposit (which is not refundable) has to be paid before the housing application for fall can be completed. Your housing deposit is $300 and $275 is refundable as long as you cancel before May 1st.</p>

<p>Housing and Residential Communities"</p>

<p>I understood this response to my question of whether or not my son could be pulled into a room to mean that he could NOT be pulled into a room if he did not deposit by February 1st. But what you said above says he can be pulled into another room, he just may have a difficult time in finding a compatible roommate on such short notice.</p>

<p>Sorry, beadymom, I think the wording on the email response you received would probably lead to confusion. Commas matter :)</p>

<p>He will a) have to have a housing application in the system by February 1st in order to participate in room selection or b) have someone pull him into a room</p>

<p>ParkTN - good question!</p>

<p>Returner room selection will be in March. Your student will have the opportunity to select his current space. The next day, he will have the opportunity to pull in a roommate, if there is space available and the roommate is eligible for that space.</p>

<p>Hope this helps! -Janine</p>

<p>UAHousing… Thank you for clarifying. Your participation in CC has been very helpful in answering many questions. </p>

<p>Thank you, Janine, for clarifying! :)</p>