How are the classes at U of M?

<p>Heeeyyy This is for the current U of M students</p>

<p>I wanted to know, </p>

<p>how are the classes at U of M?</p>

<p>Are they small, big or average?</p>

<p>Are they easy to learn from, or so big that it is distracting?</p>

<p>Are the Professors accessible? Classes are overcrowded?</p>

<p>My college counselor just told me to look into these things cause it can be a BIG factor..</p>

<p>So please...enlighten me</p>

<p>Thank you so much!</p>

<p>I think it really depends on your major and which school you’re part of. Being pre-med, I can tell you for sure that the classes are not a walk in the park. Since I have a double major is psychology, I’ve taken just about every single psych class offered and they’re really not that difficult. Once you get into the sciences and maths, it gets difficult. the classes are generally small once you’re in your third and fourth year and the professors give you lots of attention.</p>

<p>A lot of my friends, and my boyfriend himself, are part of the communications school. My boyfriend puts minimal effort into his classes and still gets A’s in all of them. I know lots of people going into PR/Journalism and they say their classes are the easiest. </p>

<p>College is way more fast paced. You can’t goof off because you will fall behind and you will fail. If you’re too involed in the party scene then prepare for failure… but I’m sure you’ve heard that about miami already.</p>