For those who attend University of Miami

<p>For those of you that attend how do you like the school? and why do you like it or not like it?</p>


<p>Well, I’m only a Freshman, so I’ve only been here for four weeks, but I can still say that I love this place. From the second I arrived, I felt inspired to be here. I’ve never been a cheering kind of guy, or a hometown team spirit kind of guy, but the first gathering of Freshman really just made me feel like I was a part of the University of Miami, so I had to cheer along with everyone else. It’s great to feel like you’re a part of this place. Even more, though, the classes that I’ve been to have been awesome. I came into the year registered as a pre-medical student, but saying to myself that there was no way I was going to stick with it because I didn’t think it was my calling. Then I walked into BIL150. That rocked my world. I love Biology! The class is so incredibly interesting – I couldn’t ask for anything more. English, a class I hated in highschool, almost captures more of my attention than the Biology class, while my other classes are just as great. If you’re a party kind of guy, there’s lots of that kind of thing going on, but I’m not really into it, so I can’t say anything about it. But I can say that if that’s not your scene, there is a decent proportion of the people here right along there with you. Anyway, that’s my blurb. If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me & I’ll give you my e-mail or facebook address. The only negative aspect I’ve experienced is that you need a 5 on the AP exam to get out of English, ROFL! But, like I said, I love the class, so I really don’t care.</p>

<p>Go 'Canes!</p>

<p>I too have only been here for 4 weeks, but I have absolutely very little to complain about… and the things I do have to complain about are tiny and insignificant. The professors here are pretty great from my experience thus far, and I’m having an absolutely blast with both school and the social aspects.</p>

<p>The only thing I would tell you is that you should really consider why you are applying to UM. If you’re looking for a strong academic and school spirit, while having a great time, you’ve found the right school. But don’t come expecting “Sunshine U” or “Party U.” - They really are quite very strict here about alcohol. - That’s not a complaint on my part, necessarily. It’s just something you might not expect coming in. </p>

<p>And feel free to message me if you have anything specific or if you wanna facebook/email me so that you can talk at greater length about UM.</p>

<p>Go Canes!</p>

<p>^^ You know anyone in Engineering? How are the freshman dorms/food?</p>

<p>I’m sure dozens of people will comment on the dorms here, so I’ll begin the cafeteria discussion. The food here is ok; it’s better than every high school cafeteria I’ve eaten in; however, it’s no home-cooked meal. One of the best things about the cafeteria, for me, is that it serves cheeseburgers and chicken sandwiches every meal (except breakfast). That way, if you don’t like anything being served that meal, or don’t feel like waiting in the long lines, you always have the option of a eating a burger and some fries. My four complaints about the cafeterias are no root beer in the machines, no ice cream during breakfast, poor-tasting desserts, and the lack of meals to “carry over” if you don’t use them. The freshman dining hall is usually very crowded, but if your schedule permits you can easily take a walk over to the Mahony-Pearson dining hall, which is quieter and has better-tasting food, in my opinion.</p>

<p>As far as engineering goes, I have five or six majors on my floor. Any particular insight you want from them?</p>

<p>Son is a Junior and loves the school.</p>

<p>Scholastically it is excellent. Classes for him have been mostly 20 or so students, the largest just 60.</p>

<p>Party U as someone stated above is really due to the proximity off campus for partying.</p>

<p>The campus is beautiful. Lots going on outdoors. Really great environment. </p>

<p>Dorms at OK, not great by any means. My suggestion for anyone going anywhere, don’t restrict yourself based on dorms. They serve their purpose. The lobbies are nice. Closets are huge in the freshmen dorms. university based apartments for upperclassmen are great.</p>

<p>Area- Coral gables is very nice. Walking distance to metro, and an outdoor mall with movies, etc. Other areas such as Coconut Grove and South Beach require transportation.</p>

<p>I would not hesitate to tell anyone to attend.</p>

<p>^^ thanks to all for responding.</p>

<p>Son would want to do Computer Science or Engineering. Something to do with Technology even if not very detailed because he is into other subjects such as writing and philosophy plus math and Physics. As long as the options are there and whatever they have is worth pursuing.</p>

<p>I assume the airport is not very far?</p>

<p>If anyone has more info on the above you can PM me too, thanks.</p>

<p>Miami International is not that far but a very busy airport.
Many students fly in and out of Ft. Lauderdale depending on where your local airport flies into.</p>

<p>I’ve got a dual-major in Computer Science. Our CS program here is amazing. The instructors are second-to-none, and are very easily approachable. The labs are open and staffed with TAs 7 days per week at all reasonable hours. You can connect to their computers from anywhere on campus 24/7 via SSH in order to work on your labs at your convenience. A side note about our TAs: two of them have Master’s Degrees; the others either have or are working on their PhDs. My TA in my Biology class only has a Bachelor’s Degree, as does my Philosophy TA. My point here is these guys really, really know what they’re doing and could easily be teaching their own course at another University; however, they chose to stay here because they enjoy working one-on-one with students. </p>

<p>I strongly recommend looking more into CS, especially if your son is undecided. The College of Engineering has different requirements for graduation than the College of Arts and Sciences; in many cases they have their own courses, which makes switching majors (when he decides) to be a little more difficult than if he were to transfer within CA&S. But if he’s enthusiastic about Engineering, tell him to go for it! Our program is excellent, and the benefits are well-worth the effort!</p>

<p>^Thanks! I think son would be happy to go right into engineering then! If the CS program is good there then thats what matters. He just cannot wait to start off with some nice CS courses. He is doing indep study at school this semester as he has finished the APCS course in 10th grade which is the only one the school offers.</p>

<h2>I wrote this as a reply to a post in the search thread, but thought I would post it here in case you did not see it.</h2>

<p>I am not certain about their Political Science program but can tell you that my D just started there as a freshmen and LOVES it! She is a biology/marine bio/ chemistry major. She can triple major because she received 38 credits from Miami for her APs. </p>

<p>Things she likes about Miami:</p>

<li>Her professors, says they are all great (very accessible and helpful) and she has no TAs.</li>
<li>Class size. Small, most in any class is 20.</li>
<li>Administration and staff are fantastic and go out of their way to make things work for you. </li>
<li>Students, very friendly and diverse. You can party off campus or avoid the parties on campus where they have tons of mostly free activites for the students.</li>
<li>Dive Club! It is the largest club on campus. She is learning to Scuba dive and will be certified in 2 weeks time and can go on weekend dives for $30.00 to $40.00.</li>
<li>The weather! She is still in shorts and flip flops.</li>
<li>Access to shopping and restaurants and beaches.</li>
<li>The campus, it is gorgeous!</li>

<p>She has a guaranteed transfer to Cornell for next year and after one month at Miami says there is NO WAY she will be leaving.</p>

<p>Yes, the did read your post and am very impressed with your daughters experience at UM. :)</p>

<p>Just to add on. I’m a freshman here and only a month and a half in here are the pros/cons.</p>

Academics!- I came in not really sure how good they would be but I have to say I am VERY impressed with my teachers and classes are really interesting. Great programs in soo many areas (business, marine science, language, intl studies etc) class sizes are great size (except for intro science classes)
Scholarship- they give great scholarships for merit (prob the reason i came here) and give good financial aid
Sports/school spirit- all i have to say is we’re #11 in the nation in football and everyone is so spirited about this school
Organizations- REALLY IMPRESSED with orgs- from leadership trips/organizations to clubs from salsa dancing to marine biology club to spirit orgs and many community service days (ive already done 3)
SCUBA CLUB- i love diving and love this club
weather/beach- free shuttles to the beach on Key biscayne, a surfing club, wakeboarding club and sailing club. and I ALWAYS wear shorts
Lots of stuff is free</p>

<p>CONS- food is decent- better than i expected- but the hours they are open are awful. they are never open late and have such short hours on weekends (good thing there’s a million places to eat around campus)
personally I wish there were more frats/parties on campus but thats just me (if you like to party-which is by no means necessary here- you have to go off campus a lot which is kinda a hassle)
freshmen dorms- not terrible. ive got enough space! its just i dont like sharing a common bathroom- but whatever its college</p>

<p>thats about it. i can definitely answer questions for people who are interested in UM. message me</p>

<p>But just to make sure people know. Miami was my safety and I got into higher ranked schools but decided to come here. And I’ve been SO IMPRESSED by the academics here.</p>

<p>Good add…number one complaint from our son is that dinner ends at 7:30 PM and he is stuck in classes that en dat 8:00 PM.</p>

<p>They need to extend dinner close.</p>

<p>Any dorm recs for a male starting in January 2010, been doing a gap semester at Oxford in London…</p>

<p>Mahoney-Pearson if you will be underclass</p>

<p>If you will be a freshman try to live in Hecht or Stanford. Mahoney-Pearson are upperclassmen dorms and they floors are not as social as Hecht and Stanford.</p>


<p>When did Mahoney-Pearson go upperclass only? S was in Mahoney as a Soph last year</p>

<p>my options for housing were pearson mahoney and eaton. I’m a sophomore.</p>

Mahoney-Pearson for sophs. (that’s what they call upperclass for housing as Hecht and Stanford are really mostly for freshmen and those “upperclass” that want to remain.</p>