How are the student to teacher relations at University of Arizona?

<p>I have a number of colleges on my list. Most of them are small, around 2,000 students, that way I get more face time with professors. U of A is not anywhere near that…it has 40,000 students!!!:open_mouth: …but it is financially savvy. </p>

<p>The only way I’d survive in that is with guaranteed close time with professors.</p>

<p>So what can you tell me about that?</p>

<p>You’d be better off posting this in the University of Arizona forum. On the left side of this page, select “Colleges and Universities” where you can find UoA. </p>

<p>@Woandering (and @maxer6) Isn’t this the U of A forum? What am I missing?</p>

<p>As a student, I can tell you it is completely up to you to go talk to and meet professors - at least for classes with 20+ students - but as long as you are willing to go to office hours, or schedule other meetings with them, they are extremely receptive and helpful. </p>

<p>@Beaudreau It may have been moved. I found it somewhere else.</p>

<p>@Woandering Could have posted in two places too.</p>

<p>@Beaudreau Seeing as I reached the thread through another forum (I never browse UofA forum), it’s very unlikely that that is the reason for my commenting here.</p>

<p>This is indeed the U of A forum. ;). That’s where I found this thread.</p>

<p>To the OP…my daughter and I have the same concern. She is eager for the chance to work closely with professors with opportunities for research. She is applying for admission to the Honors College. We are OOS from the east coast and visited the campus last Spring, and we were both very impressed! I’m hoping the Honors College will give her that feeling of a smaller community in a large research university. We find out the decision tomorrow!</p>

<p>@an6rew…thanks for your insight. What is your major?</p>

<p>@Rachelsmommy I’m an aerospace engineering major with a minor in mathematics and in the entrepreneurship program as well as the Honors College. I can tell you that opportunities for research are aplenty, as long as you get out there, do your own research on labs/etc., talk to professors, and show enthusiasm. I have volunteered in research labs my first two years and am now getting paid for my work in my junior year. </p>

<p>That’s fantastic @an6rew‌ ! Thank you for that info…great to know!</p>