How are your IB classes scheduled?

<p>At our high school the day is set up as 6 periods and students go to the same six classes everyday. I think the IB program might work better for the students with some form of block scheduling, and wondered how IB classes are set up at other schools.</p>

<p>The 6 classes a day, everyday means homework for 6 classes a day, and it also has meant (at least at this school) a very structured program, with very little flexibility for electives since each of those 6 classes is a required course.</p>

<p>So, how does your school schedule the IB classes?</p>

<p>Same at my IB school. Same 7 periods every single day</p>

<p>bump…anyone else?</p>

<p>Same for us, sort of. Small school; all courses are IB-DP courses except for 2 lower-credit, government-required courses which everyone also takes. So electives aren’t an issue cuz they don’t exist. We have 6 periods/day on a 6-day rotation schedule. There are sometimes release periods for SL students when HL students are doing their extra hours. For some HL courses, the extra hours don’t fit on the schedule so they’re done a few days a week after school.</p>

<p>We’re on a block schedule with 4 classes every day on an A/B system. However, I can’t really attest to that helping the program, since at my school, AP is 2 credits, so it’s impossible to fit one in. This year (junior) I’m taking French SL, Gov/Econ (required, but it’s just 45 min. of the 90 min block), TOK (takes up the other half), and English HL, all on A Days. On B Days, I take Math SL (next year we will sit in on an AP Calc class for this, do the same stuff, etc.), History of the Americas HL, Bio HL, and ES&S SL. </p>

<p>What fun.</p>

<p>I take the IB and enjoy my current schedule. We take one 70 minute class, then have a 15 minute break, then we take two 70 minute classes followed by a 45 minute class, have a 45 minute lunch, and finally take a 70 minute class. Also, no two days of the week are alike, so it’s nice to have a schedule which isn’t so repetitive.</p>

<p>I used to take 7 classes last year on a fixed schedule and this is much better!</p>

<p>We have four 80 minute classes each day that rotate on a 2-day schedule.
The classes are a bit long so teachers end up wasting a lot of time but we have more time to do the daily homework.</p>

<p>7 period a day… same schedule every year…EXHAUSTING!</p>

<p>I’m currently in MYP, but enough people have told me about DP that I can give their general schedules. The entire school is one a block schedule, with eight class spaces total and four per day, as someone else posted above.
However, all of the classes at my school only take up 1 block period per 2 days. And, since there are 2 extra spaces, a DP junior could take an elective and something else or two electives or two TAs. A DP senior could take 1 elective and something else, 2 TAs, 2 partial absences… pretty much anything they wanted to. :slight_smile:
Our schedule is kind of weird because there are 2 different lunches at different times. Which one you get depends on your 3rd period teacher, but it could potentially switch from A to B days because we’re on a block. Thankfully, I haven’t so far this year, but I might next semester because our electives are usually only 1 semester long…
Oh, and each block is 88-90 minutes. xD Yes, our schedule is weird.</p>

<p>I have 8 classes and 4 per day alternating. These are your 6 classes, TOK/EE and study period. A class is 90 minutes.</p>

<p>Kind of like a few others, my whole school works on a block schedule. 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th are blue days. I have IB Math SL I, IB French I, Journalism 3, and IB HOA. On green days it is periods 2, 6, and 8. Between two and six we have a seminar period that rotates every green day. It is split between two classes in our schedules like 1 and 2, 5 and 6, etc. On green days I have IB Physics I, IB English HL I, and IB Business & Management SL.</p>

<p>We only have one AP at our school (U.S. Gov’t and Politics) that most students take sophomore year. AP Gov is required before you can take HOA at my school.</p>

<p>Oh and to add, all periods are 90 minutes.</p>

<p>As a first year Gifted IB student, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays are spent with seven 50 periods, with TOK opposite Health. We all take IB History HL 1/APUSH, IB English HL 1/ AP English Language, IB SL Physics/ AP Physics B. Math classes range in level from pre-calc to IB/AP Further Mathematics HL. Languages range from IB ab initio to IB A2 HL. We get to choose to either opt out of an IB elective or choose from Art, Music, or double science. </p>

<p>As a second year Gifted IB student, we are required to take the full 6 IBs, meaning IB History HL 2/AP American Government, IB English HL 2/AP English Literature, an array of IB maths, an IB science, IB second language, and IB elective, plus TOK opposite usually PE. </p>

<p>Wednesdays and Thursdays contain 90 minute block periods. Wednesdays are even periods. Thursdays are odd periods.</p>

<p>Personally, Im taking pre calc (so IB SL calc/AP calc AB) and IB Music HL and IB Chinese SL (or HL I’d the parents agree)/AP Chinese 4 along with the full IB course as a sophomore, and I don’t know if I want to HL in Physics or do something else like SL bio or chem junior year.</p>


<p>Forgot how to have fun while doing the Gifted IB.</p>

<p>7 periods like you! </p>

<p>English HL
Japanese SL
Business HL
Economics SL / TOK
History HL
IB Math Studies SL

<p>Three 90 minute (roughly) classes alternating plus one constant class here.</p>