<p>I'm a freshman at Florida State. Last semester, I dropped chemistry and got a W. If I drop another class this semester would it look pretty bad? At this school you can only drop two courses in your first 60 hours. I pretty much have straight B's.</p>
<p>I hope to transfer to Baruch eventually. (Not particularly competitive: avg HS GPA 3.2, Critical Reading Middle 50%: 480 - 590, Math Middle 50%: 550 - 660)</p>
<p>THANK GOD I CAUGHT THIS POST JUST IN TIME!!! IM AT BARUCH NOW ON FULL SCHOLARSHIP AS A FRESHMAN!!! IM GETTING OUT OF HERE ASAP! DONT COME HERE ITS HELL ON EARTH! i myself am probably going to Syracuse University (already got accepted for fall transfer 09)! Baruch is horrible!</p>
<p>by the way i also want to know about Ws. I want to drop calculus if its not a required course for Syracuse’s Whitman School of Management , or required by any other schools that accepted me, for their business program. I simply cant stand calculus it causes nightmares for me, plus it would be better than a d or f, since the credits wont transfer unless i get C or higher. I havent even taken my first exam yet but still</p>
<p>I know that in community college W’s are not a big deal when schools are looking at your transcript. If you get one W for every semester, then they might question your reliability.</p>