<p>.. if I have only 63-64 units when applying to UCLA for art history? D: I heard UCLA likes their applicants to have units near 70 ): Will this hurt my chances on getting in? Even if I have TAP? And a 3.5+ gpa?
I also checked the profile of admitted transfer students: Profile</a> of Admitted Transfer Students by Major, Fall 2010 - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions and for art history it shows that avg # of units completed by the ACCEPTED art history applicants is around 103, but translated into my CCC's units, that's around 68? So I come up a leeetle bit short.. is that ok ;_;
Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>Lol why would having 70 units be better looking? Don’t worry!</p>
<p>^ I guess because it shows u took more classes= challenged urself more LOL idk ):</p>
<p>Nah it doesn’t work like that. Prolly those people changed their majors like 2-3 times or are double majoring in something else. Good luck!</p>
<p>It absolutely ruins ur chances</p>
<p>@izychr: thanks for ur reply!
ok so I feel a lot better that I only have 63ish LOL (:</p>