How bad is the diversity here?

So the stats show that the school is 76% white. This seems very high, especially since I come from an extremely diverse high school and I am black and asian. I’m scared I won’t fit in. I want to know what the rest of you guys think about the racial diversity at this school.

What state are you from? What % white is your state?

I’m from NJ. My town is 60% white

Your state is 73.4% white, so not too different from the 76% you mentioned.

When you leave your 60% white town and go elsewhere in NJ does it seem quite different?

Good point. I guess I was looking too closely at the numbers

Djkhaled, our D is also Black and Asian, and also from NJ. Before she decided to attend UW we had several discussions concerning the lack of racial diversity. This is what she told me this morning when she mentioned your post:

“I am always one of only a few people of color in my class, but because everyone is very welcoming, I don’t feel uncomfortable at all.”

She also noted the many resources and clubs geared towards minority and multi-cultural students. She is actively engaged in many campus activities including clubs, going to the sporting events and many other on-campus activities, as well as regularly dining out on State Street on the weekends. She is, however, eager to see more students of color. That said, she confirmed that she absolutely loves UW, and is a very happy multi-racial Badger from New Jersey.

@tachikawa thank you. Hearing this is pretty reassuring.