How bad will one grade hurt my chances...

<p>So my school just got our first term grades, and my AP math grade is terrible! Its a low C!</p>

<p>Math has never been my strong suit, academically, but this is my lowest grade by far. Will it put me out of the running for Stanford? All my other grades this term were As.</p>

<p>a C is pretty much death, unless you have other truly exceptional things about you</p>

<p>it won’t “put you out of the running,” but it sure is not going to help… your app needs to be strong.</p>

<p>thanks… I guess all I can do now is hope.</p>

<p>An adcom I talked to said that low Cs are not okay unless there’s a reason. I wouldn’t expect anything, but they may be willing to look past it.</p>

<p>I really doubt it would kill you all the way, especially if you don’t strike them as a lazy student. </p>

<p>Plus, it is AP Calc you’re talking about, and Calculus just doesn’t work for some people. That’s okay! We all have our unique strengths and weaknesses. E.g. I still can’t draw anything better than stick people. (Hey don’t laugh! Stick people are cool!)</p>

<p>ab, that’s what i’m hoping for. Calc really isn’t my thing at all.</p>

<p>I do know people with relatively low grades in math but other talents who got accepted back in the day. It’s not the end of the world, but I’ll tell you that “relatively low” means B’s…though, as people said, while doing well at AP math isn’t a huge achievement, not everyone really is into math, so really if it weren’t your strong suit [well, which it isn’t apparently], your admission would depend on your having some other shining aspect anyway. </p>

<p>Stick people aren’t bad :)</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat as you! C+ in calculus AB AP second semester junior year. My redeeming qualities if they may be called so are no other C’s, a 4 on the AP, A in first semester senior year Calc BC AP, and I wrote in “Additional Comments” that we’d had a death in the immediate family at the time. I don’t really know the point of posting this; nothing anyone says will prove that the Stanford AO’s will somehow dismiss my low grade.</p>

<p>Basically just saying… HEY I got a C in calc too! :)</p>



<p>This is horrible and I would hope any schools you’re applying to would consider this heavily. I personally think a C in AP Calculus is really really awful IF there weren’t circumstances other than academic ability (or just a stupid teacher who runs the class unfairly) contributing to it, but clearly there were in your case.</p>

<p>Oh, okay. Not that I was feeling especially optimistic anyway. …Mathboy.</p>

<p>I don’t know if other said the same thing:
If that C is just for a quarter and you can bring it up to a high-B or low-A average, it won;t hurt much. If it is a year grade, then your chances are shot.</p>

<p>Well, I haven’t gotten C’s in AP Calc on my report card, but I had B-'s during the first two trimesters of senior year. I was freaking out about these grades the whole year since I usually get A’s and A-‘s, but hey, Stanford accepted me despite my calc grades :). Though, it may have helped that our school included a cover sheet in each of the AP Calc-ers’ college applications. They explained that AP Calc is the most rigorous course at our school and though everyone in our class was getting B’s to C-'s on their report cards, statistics have shown that students have always gotten 4’s and 5’s on the AP exam. So for future applicants and overachievers, just do your best and remember it isn’t the end of the world if you get a B or C on your report card.</p>

<p>I just wanted to give a quick update-- The C appears to have done minimal harm, if any: I was accepted to Stanford and three Ivy League schools.</p>

<p>^^NICE! Do you know which you’re leaning towards?</p>

<p>^^Wow. This completely disproves the “if you get a B or a C, you have no hope for HYPMS.” So many people on this forum freak out about not having or losing their 4.0. </p>

<p>Jojodevka, you’re living proof! :)</p>

<p>congrats jojodevka!</p>

<p>For the record, I had several low Bs on my transcript. I got into Stanford.</p>

<p>Yes, they do seem to take into account extenuating circumstances.</p>

<p>Thanks, everyone! I’m deciding between Stanford and Columbia, I think.</p>

<p>STANFORD, Stanford, Stanford! ;D!</p>