How can I apply ED or EA to more than one ivy?

<p>So how can I apply ED or EA to more than one ivy? Can I do EA to more than one ivy? How?</p>

<p>If the school is SCEA, then no (Harvard, Princeton, and Yale come to mind). If the school isn't SCEA, or it's ED and states that you're allowed to apply EA elsewhere, then you can (I think Columbia does this). You can't apply ED to multiple schools. You'll have to read the fine print for all the schools you're applying to.</p>

<p>You can't.</p>

<p>Harvard and Yale are SCEA. You absolutely cannot apply early (EA or ED) anywhere else, ivy or otherwise.</p>

<p>All of the other ivies, including Princeton, are ED. Some allow you to apply EA simultaneously to other schools but not H & Y because H & Y are single choice EA. </p>

<p>For example, it may not be against Dartmouth's rules for you to apply ED to Dartmouth and SCEA to Harvard, but it would be against Harvard's rules for you to apply SCEA to Harvard and ED to Dartmouth. You have to look at it from both colleges' viewpoints.</p>

<p>Most ED/EA/SCEA colleges will allow you to apply "early" to colleges that have rolling admissions. </p>

<p>The rules are complicated and failure to follow the rules can have disastrous results. If you have any doubts call or e-mail the individual schools for clarification. Just remember if you apply ED, you are obligated to attend.</p>