<p>so i got a 3.6 gpa 1st semester of freshman year. i plan on finishing my 2nd semester of freshman year with a 4.0 making my cumulative for freshman year a 3.8. Is it possible to get a cumulative gpa of 4.0 (the one that colleges will look at)? And how do i get an unweighed gpa of 4.0 in these circumstances?</p>
<p>It is impossible to get an unweighted GPA of 4.0 now, maybe you can get very close and end up with a 3.95 GPA or so.
For weighted GPA, you could just take a bunch of AP classes to bring the weighted GPA up.</p>
<p>Unless you school has A+s be worth more than 4 grade points it is impossible for you to get a 4.0 unweighted.</p>
<p>You should be able to figure this out for yourself.</p>
<p>^^ And if you can’t, you don’t belong at Harvard!</p>
<p>At this point, I would suggest taking extra courses that are challenging and rewarding but grade-friendly. Ive heard that community college is fairly easy to get an A and actually learn something. During the summer, if you take a good course load 3-4 you will definitely see some results. </p>
<p>If your number priority is gpa, I recommend not taking the hardiest classes unless 1) you’ll work your butt off 2) are naturally good at that subject (like math) 3) You’re familiar with the information.</p>
<p>So just taking an intro course at community college then taking the ap lvl at your school should not only bring up your unweighted but also your weighted/rank. But keep in mind, there is little difference between a 3.96 and a 4.0. Someone correct me if I’m wrong. Just remember to try your best and taking challenging courses over the year and summer and don’t over do it. Good Luck</p>
<p>Can’t I round up 3.96 to 4.0?</p>
<p>I did that in my application for other schools, would that be considered cheating or something?</p>
<p>Rounding your GPA is considered cheating.</p>
<p>Typically rounding your gpa to less than 2 decimals would be dishonest. I don’t think rounding a 3.996 to a 4.0 would be dishonest though.</p>
<p>What are you… a Wharton student? :P</p>
<p>Rounding your GPA is lying about your GPA, and can get you kicked out of your respective school or job.</p>
<p>I assume this person’s non-A was in Math! LOL</p>
<p>lol. i guess what i was trying to say was that whether i could round up my gpa to a 4.0 if my average ended up being like a 3.96. but that question has already been answered. thanks anyways.</p>
<p>Rounding your GPA does not benefit you in any way, in fact it may hurt you…Schools look at your GPA on your transcripts anyway… So what’s the point in rounding?</p>
<p>Rounding your GPA = you will get rejected for dishonesty.</p>
<p>It’s like saying that I was going to round my 3.5 to a 4.</p>
<p>how rude can you be? It was a simple question.</p>
<p>@Stephany: The first rule of CC is DO NOT revive old threads. Use them for reference only. If you have a question, create a new thread.</p>