How can I increase my HS GPA ?

Hi ,

I am an international and I finished HS couple of year back.The problem is that my HS GPA is pretty low. Is there ANYTHING I can do about it? Would online courses help , like EPGY from Stanford?

Thanks !

<p>anyone ?...</p>

<p>noo idea...prolly go to a community college..except your done with i doubt there is ay way to increase the way, what is it?</p>

<p>High school is over and their record of you is closed. However, any colleges that you apply to will look at what you have done since high school. There are about 3400 US colleges, and only the top 15-20 are extremely competitive. People talk about the tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 colleges, but when you add them all together, they are still less than 10% of all of the colleges. The bulk of US colleges only require that you have a hs diploma in order to be admitted.</p>

<p>I don't know what your situation is now. If you have been out of school, then it might be best to go to a community college and take a few courses. Once you establish a track record there, your hs grades won't matter that much. You probably will never get into Harvard, but it would be very probable for you to get into a good tier 3 school assuming that you did well.</p>

<p>Thank you for your reply!</p>