<p>to start off, i don't go to a school on the east coast where the average sat is 2100
but still....it's as if parents don't have their priorities right for their kids. my ex-friend's mom was complaining about how she hated homework because it interrupted family time and it got in the way of alot of things...*** how ridiculous is that!! and this same mom can't even use punctuation correctly (past emails she has sent) ya know..one of those people who can't distinguish between its' and it's or their and their or whose and who's..and she is a freaking adult probably in her 30s!!</p>
<p>and what is more ridiculous is that my school (as kids are not so bright) takes more pride in its athletic accomplishments!! and you see these weird parents worrying about their child's game record in a basketball season while the kid is failing all of her/his classes!! </p>
<p>oh my gosh..what is the world coming to??
it's like there is NO respect for academic excellence anymore. people see intelligent people as ones who have no lives. the kid who wins an athletic scholarship to ohio state is the school hero while the kid who gets into harvard gets rudeness and sarcasm</p>
<p>Did this actually happen or is it a hypothetical situation? Because in any situation I can imagine, the average school goers, and especially the parents, would be very impressed with Harvard. And I have no idea why it would lead to rudeness and sarcasm. Unless the person who went was really mean. Everyone at my school who goes to Brown sucks, so we make fun of that even though I guess Brown is an impressive school.</p>
<p>Physical exercise is just as important as mental exercise. I believe there should be a healthy balance of both. Many athletic programs now requires students to hold a certain GPA or they are not qualified to participate.</p>
<p>I don’t know why you are being so harsh against athletes. Being intelligent isn’t the end all solution to success.</p>
<p>parents worry about their kids’ game records more than their academic performance because they know that athletics are what is going to get their kid into college affordably. Students who aren’t that smart have a hard time getting in to their state flagship these days, and an especially hard time paying for it. Athletics can get you a degree from a good school for no financial cost to your family.</p>
<p>Some people think that there are more important things than school, just as they think there are more important things than their work.</p>
<p>Having values different from your own does not equate to stupidity. What I find equally stupid is someone’s inability to appreciate the circumstances of others.</p>
<p>Quit being so haughty and arrogant and consider that others’ circumstances are different from your own.</p>
<p>Like IBFfootballer said, athletics is a ticket to college for some people. Just because it requires a different set of muscles does not make it less of an accomplisment. While I believe intellectual achievement is extremely important, athletics still has its place.</p>
<p>“people see intelligent people as ones who have no lives.”</p>
<p>Often, that is the case. Some of these families may see excessive studying as an intrusion on other more important things in life (God, family, and country, haha).</p>
<p>Like the previous posters have said, they simply have a different values system than you. Just because you believe yours to be superior doesn’t mean it is.</p>
<p>Yup. Everyone lives their life their own way and we all emphasize different things. To say academic excellence is obligated is very elitest and snobby of us. Some people just aren’t good at certain things or don’t have the same opportunities we have.</p>
<p>wow there are some haters
ok i don’t spend 5 minutes proofreading my posts geesh
i got 800 on sat writing so some of you guys can shove those comments back up your butt… talk about ad hominem</p>
<p>well, there should be a separation of athletics and academics
there are outside sports teams to join for those who want to play whatever sports
i mean, if public schools cut their athletics programs, there would be alot more money for books/materials/teachers!!
w/e i just don’t get why people take sports so seriously, no one makes it to the nfl or the nba, and if someone really has this goal in mind, they should just drop out of school and play sports full time as obviously, with abysmal grades like Ds and Fs, they couldn’t care less
god i hate dumb athletes…exercise on your own time outside of school sheesh</p>
<p>this is why quality of high school education is lower in the us than in europe or asia. yeah, there is no such thing as a school basketball team in china. i’d love to see how some of you would survive there…making some lame excuses and trying to get into college with your “athletic smarts” oh wow</p>
<p>and it’s annoying when people distinguish between street smarts and school smarts, because the ones who claim they have more street smarts are really stupid. everyone has common sense, and the street “smart ones” always end up doing stupid stuff like smoking pot, and having a bunch of sex</p>