It is in consideration for going on “the list”.
D is technically Methodist but more appropriately described as agnostic. She can sit quietly and behave in chapel, etc. It isn’t that she is adamantly opposed to religion, and she will probably apply to some schools with a religous affiliation. But if someone who isn’t particularly religious and has no Catholic background would be uncomfortable I just as well take it off of the list now.
Thanks for any input.
It is not very catholic. My DS is a day student there, so may have a different perspective than a boarder, but he has had no issues there not being Catholic. I think he has been to one “service” in the Chapel over the past year and that is it. They do have a religion requirement, but that’s been pretty basic. His first year religion class focused on being a good person. He’s just started his second year and has only had 1 class so far, but it sounds like it will be very similar. There have been no biblical readings, memorization, analysis, etc at all (that could happen in future years, but I don’t think it will).
They do have a “church” requirement where all boarders must attend some type of service each week. I have no idea how strict it is. Maybe @PhotographerMom will have more insight on that. If you are not Catholic, they will bring you to your church of choice.
Bottom line, no, she will not be uncomfortable not being Catholic, or even particularly religious, at Canterbury.