how cold is it...??

<p>i heard that wisconsin gets below 0 degree often....i know i can wear multiple layers of clothes...but what kind of pants and shoes do you guys wear...i dont think a pair of jeans and converse will do it ....will it??</p>

<p>depends on your tolerance...i'm from NJ where it gets 10-15 some days in the winter with a nasty wind and jeans are just fine</p>

<p>most body heat is released through your head anyways, so just wear a hat, a shirt and a warm jacket and you'll be fine</p>

<p>as for shoes you can always go with boots but it's really not that big of a deal. worst case scenario just wear a few extra socks.</p>

<p>im from northern rarely gets below 40 degree...</p>

<p>dnduswo, srry bud but i don't think ur gonna last very long here in WI. I live in Milwaukee and I'm freezin, been freezed for 4 months now. and Madison is a lil colder thn Milwaukee. It's nothing like the weather in cali. aka it sucks</p>

<p>im not gonna lie, unless you really love the school, you probably shouldnt go here. i know a bunch of kids who come to minnesota wisconsin from warmer states and all they do is complain about the weather.</p>

<p>yeah...ive been thinking about just staying in cali or maybe maryland...lately...</p>

<p>thanks for the reponses btw</p>

<p>How is it compared to Michigan, like the Ann Arbor-ish area?</p>

<p>im from central minnesota and it will get -40 with wind chill to the point where it hurts to walk into school. but i can normally handle -10 whether with pants and a sweatshirt not sure how well you would do with the weather if your not used to it</p>

<p>Both UW and UM are in the southern inland parts of their equally north states- similar weather.</p>

<p>Realize that the UW-Madison campus is quite spreadout so you will need to become used to walking for 20 minutes or so in windy snow in your face sometimes sub-zero weather with icy snow covered sidewalks and streets from December through March. </p>

<p>I can only offer that you need to be prepared with a good winter coat, gloves, and boots. You may still hate it, but being prepared will help you at least tolerate it.</p>

<p>Son just said he hasn't worn a long sleeved shirt in a while- didn't use his gloves today...but he's from Wis and used to run outdoors all winter long. Good weather to hit the books...</p>

<p>This is my fourth winter in Madison since I came from the DC area. It has been far and away the coldest and snowiest. Really, really snowy. We have broken the existing record already and it keeps on snowing. We'll probably get to a 100 inches. It has also been really, really cold, Lots of days below zero. We have had -35 and colder with the wind chill several times. The bus system has shut down at least twice. The city schools have been closed, and the university canceled classes one afternoon because of the snow. Canceling classes because of the weather is a very rare event at the university. We have had two major traffic events on the interstates right outside of town because of the weather. In one, a person was killed in a 100 car pile up. In the second, 2,000 cars were backed up for up to 12 hours.</p>

<p>Winter weather can be an issue here. </p>

<p>On the other hand, take a look at these pictures I took in May several years ago.</p>

<p>UW</a> pictures from college photos on webshots</p>

<p>Now this is a REAL Madison winter--like the old days. Enjoy and stay warm.</p>

<p>No- this is the worst winter ever. Even snowy winters of the old days not this bad- even the winter they closed campus in the early 1970's for the first time in 25 years wasn't as bad. Cold-snow-cold-snow...on and on... April is coming...</p>

<p>Thanks for the photos of green trees and grass- a reminder spring will come.</p>

<p>Apparently we can blame it on La Nina, which is keeping the jet stream too low allowing all the arctic air to hit us.</p>

<p>Warming up over the weekend; in the balmy 30s. Eight inches of new snow expected Monday afternoon and night. It will begin as rain, sleet, and snow.</p>


<p>Article on the 2,000 stuck on the interstate: [url=<a href=""&gt;]local[/url&lt;/a&gt;]&lt;/p>