How competitive is GWU?

<p>And do i have a good shot at being admitted?
I have a crazy-overcoming obstacles background (born in russia, travelled europe, family deaths, now in foster care) which should show thirst for learning. APs: literature, language, government, us history, bio. Gpa 4.0, on honor roll every marking period even though I didn't go to school for 5 years. SAT 1240, ACT 27 (hope to improve bigtime) EC's: yearbook editor, international club vp, stage crew, art club, nhs, vollunteer, part-time/full-time job. My recomendations should be great too. Any suggestions/comments?</p>

<p>im curious bout this one...ill bump it for u lily</p>

<p>What does that mean exactly? I am a new member after all :-)</p>

<p>I had a 27 on the ACT and a 4.0 GPA with many ECs about the same as you. Many of which I had leadership roles in. I also took the time to go and visit the campus; I did an interview while I was there, too. I thought I didn't do very well in the interview, but it must have not been to bad. They accepted me, so you have a shot. Just make sure you show a lot of interest in the school. good luck.</p>

<p>I was accepted to GW with a 3.6 and a 1330. You look good to me. Private colleges love Russians. The only thing that worries me is that your SAT is a little on the low side. I think the median scores for the class of 2004 ranged from 1240-1380 so who knows what kind of bar the class of 2005 set. If GW is your absolute first choice then apply early, because their acceptance rate for ED people is really high-you can get away with having lower stats than those in the regular decision pool. I suggest retaking the SAT/ACT and making sure that one of your extracurriculars stand out. Being a yearbook editor, while it must be a time consuming activity, is pretty typical on college applications. Same goes for NHS. And for GW, like Samantha said, interest is definitely key! Try for an interview, either on or off campus. Hope I helped!</p>

<p>Thanks! I'm visiting Wash. DC August 22nd-26th...I'll try to schedule an interview. What can you tell me about the school from personal experience?</p>

<p>Oh man, I have a lot to say about GW! I liked it so much I almost did ED II then backed out of it. I got in regular decision but ended up choosing another college that turned out to be a better fit:
I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to DC and GW when I went last year. My dad and I hit up Georgetown, American, and GW. While the other two have campuses, GW does not (except for a quad). You can't bea the location. GW is in a very nice area of DC-not as posh as Georgetown but still excellent. Actually, GW is spread over several blocks. The dorms are fabulous, and some used to be hotels. The food isn't bad either. And there's no shortage of things to do off-'campus'. If you go there, I bet you will never be bored!
Buuut superficialities aside...once you get past the fact that Crossfire used to film there, and the dorms are hotel rooms (with free housekeeping!) and there's a gym in every have to eventually think about academics. Other than international relations, politics, history, and communications, academics at GW certainly don't seem like anything to write home about. The Columbian College has a crapload of requirements for every major. It seems like a student would be so busy trying to fulfill requirements that they don't even get room to explore their interests.
That was one of the primary reasons why I decided not to enroll. Core curriculums/distribution requirements. Why on earth would you pay $49,800 to take classes you don't want to? In a thread below one kid said at the colonial inaguration/orientation all the good classes were filled up and he got stuck with classes he didn't want. That's alarming to me. I personally look forward to taking classes that I WANT to take in college rather than classes that are forced upon me.<br>
The tuition is ridiculous, and my feeling is that you probably won't get your money's worth. Ignoring whatever prestige it has acquired recently, GW has yet to establish itself as an academically strong school. It is not of Ivy-caliber, not even close, and it will never be an Ivy so it shouldn't charge nine thousand dollars more than the average IVy. Buuut I guess it has a great poli science department, and the SMPA is fantastic, and the Eliot school is great. If you're not sure you're going into those fields, then why waste your money?
Just know what you're getting into when you consider GW.</p>

<p>where did u end up going?</p>

<p>Actually I'm not in college yet, but I'll be starting at Brandeis next month!
Do I still wish I was going to DC? Yeah, sometimes. My university may not have humongous dorms or gyms in every building but its academics are all around fantastic with professors who are committed to teaching undergrads. I registered for classes yesterday and got into all my top choices easily. It really is about how good a fit the school is for you-you shouldn't have to compromise on any of the things you want in a're paying a lot of money for it!</p>

<p>Stain 99, you make an excellent point! Your post really made me think. I'm going to GWU this coming fall and I had difficulty getting the classes I wanted to take. I am currently undecided as fas as majors go and as you mentioned, the crazy amount of requirements are making me very anxious about choosing a major. The first time I visited GW was at Orientation (yeah I know, but I just couldn't make the trip before) and I loved the city and the school! However, I'm not sure if it was the "perfect" fit. I don't love the tuition and my recent scheduling dilema's have been making me think twice. I know i'll enjoy GW because I liked what I saw at orientation. I'm not sure though about the academics. I originally was set on a Poli Sci. major and thus GW seemed perfect! Now i'm not so sure I even want to be in the "political" field. AND you were right, other than Poli Sci, Int. Relations, etc...GW does not stack up. I'm still excited about going though and I hope things turn out for the best! Who nows, transfering might not be so bad after all...</p>

<p>By the way, Good luck at Brandeis!</p>

<p>Thanks, twofme. My opinion is that GW is a fun school and I find it hard to believe that anyone would ever be bored there. As far as the academics go, one can do better at another less-expensive private university or their local state school honors program. I have read about people who have passed up schools like UVA and their local UCs for GW, and it always mystifies me. The main reason why GW is 'hot' is because of its location and the fact that internships are easily available (their basketball team is quite good too haha). But guess what? Most colleges let you spend a semester in DC and you can intern there during the summer! (something I plan on doing eventually)
I strongly recommend to people who are really interested in GW to check out the gw_files livejournal community, and also to get the positives and negatives on the school from former and current students.</p>