How competitive is sorority rush here?

I’m going to be a freshman this fall and have heard conflicting opinions about rush. Does anyone know if it’s difficult to get into a sorority here? Should I get recs? I don’t care about being in a “popular” one, I’d be happy joining any.

I’m not familiar with Wisconsin but typically large schools tend to be more competitive than smaller schools just because of the number of girls who go through and the number of houses available. Becareful with that other Greek site on what you see and read.

Sorority rush is pretty scripted so when you hear about a lot of girls getting dropped the first day what typically happens at the larger schools is girls who don’t have a good enough GPA are cut first. Typically some houses will have a higher standard than the minimum to go through rush. Some girls will drop out on their own if they get cut from a house they really wanted and won’t give other houses a chance.

If you go in with an open mind and are willing to ignore the artificial rankings then your chances of finding a home become better. You should be able to find out if rec’s are needed or not, sometimes they help, other times they have no bearing.

Do not underestimate the importance of conversational skills. You have a short time to make a connection so practice your interviewing skills and try to anticipate the questions you will get. Why do you want to join a sorority? What are you looking for in a sorority? Why did you choose to go to school her? What activities do you like to do in your spare time? etc. Don’t just wing it.

Most campuses (and i’m sure Wis participates) has a program that tries to get every girl a spot in some house. It’s not perfect, but if you follow the program, you will find a house. If you accept the maximum number of party invitations, you should be fine.

Check on when it happens- not in fall. Also most students not involved at all.

It does take place in the fall, @wis75

“First Rounds will occur on Thursday, September 5th and Friday, September 6th. Class conflicts will be excused and details on submitting those will be available in August.”

OP didn’t ask if a lot of people participate just if she had a chance of getting into a sorority. Yes, she does, a very good chance. The system is designed so the max number can get into sororities.

Should OP get recs? They aren’t as important at Wisconsin as at some southern schools. However, they don’t hurt. If you can get some, do so. You can contact the Panhel group in your city if you don’t know any alums.

OP-once you get to campus you may want to rethink your reasons for joining a sorority. The vast majority of students do not participate and there is a full social life without that. Hopefully you will not limit yourself to the few who do that, or at least understand campus life before joining.

wis75–she did not ask your opinion of what to do with HER life. Out of bounds

Sometimes students are unaware of the campus culture. For some the Greek system is a given since they do not realize how little a role it has on some campuses compared to others.

OP- be sure to figure out the UW campus. Once you are there you can decide how important being a part of the Greek system is to you.

Barrons- all posts involve getting others’ opinions, certainly within bounds to offer. Not at all required to follow.

But Greek life, big or small, is part of the campus culture just like other groups are. You wouldn’t advise someone to ‘wait to join the marching band because you might find something you like better’ yet there are many fewer students in the band than in Greek life at Wisconsin. Some students, about 12%, are part of Greek life. It can’t be the wrong choice for all.

The OP is interested and should follow up on Recruitment, which is easy to do.

OP best of lucky to you with rush. Greek life is very active at Wisco. I know many kids involved and they are very happy they chose that path. No one here should try to persuade you to do otherwise.

Depends on sorority. Some sororities don’t participate in the big rush, but the most popular ones do.

Greek life is super fun though and you can make so many connections and friends while participating!

It doesn’t depend on the popularity but whether the sorority is a member of the panhellenic group (PHA). There are 26 sororities that are members of the national group. Wisconsin has about 16 of those , and they will join together to sponsor the ‘big rush’ in the fall. Other sororities are members of other associations, and they’ll have their recruitment process on their own schedules, some in the spring, some only for sophomores, etc.
