<p>I took the SAT Bio today, and I thought the 60 core questions were kind of hard. But, then I thought that the additional questions for M were pretty easy. How did you guys all think you did?</p>
<p>Hi! I completely agree with you. The 60 core questions were quite obscure and really random but the 20 questions in molecular were easier. I skipped 3 and know I at least got 4 wrong. I really hope I get a 700+. Good luck with your score!! </p>
<p>i think it was harder than all of the other practice tests i took…</p>
<p>RIGHT? the core 60 are so obscure, unrelated, theoretical and NOT BIOLOGICAL :(</p>
<p>IM definitely taking it again in like november and aim for 800!
if I omitted 3 and got 5 wrong… how much score is that?</p>
<p>i would predict like anywhere between 750-770. I’m thinking the curve will be slightly less harsh so maybe like 760 for that</p>
<p>hoping for a curve that is less harsh … the 60 core questions had some pretty obscure stuff
i would predict -4 800 since it’s usually -3 800? hopeful that its a tad bit less harsh than usual </p>
<p>Question. How do they decide on the curve? ><</p>
<p>Well at least everyone thought it was hard, so that means that we should be getting a good curve . I left 7 blank and guessed on a lot of them. I also looked at practice tests, and they were SO MUCH easier than the actual test. Do you guys know if colleges that do not allow score choice will reject me if I do poorly (below 650) on the exam? And is below 650 considered? I heard that colleges only like scores in the 700-800 range. B-) O:-) </p>
<p>@Wannabenerd1 Omg, same here. 7 blank, and I guessed on loads! I totally agree that practice tests were way easier. Even Barron’s, which are supposedly harder than the actual thing… Yeah, right. </p>
<p>I think that even if you score low now, if you retake at a later point and score higher they will take into consideration the fact that you’ve improved. I don’t see how that can harm your application</p>
<p>@wannabenerd1 as someone that got 92% on the ap bio multiple choice section from last year (2013, new format, really tough, 5% of test takers received 5, etc), i found this test much tougher than i expected. Most questions were easy, that is a given. But there were 3 or 4 that were genuinely hard (I took bio m btw) and 2 or 3 that were just plain obscure and seemed more like trivia then something that was on the practice tests i took. @someone007, i think they create a curve first based on the difficulty level of the test (easier test, harder curve and vice versa) and then they calibrate that with test takers’ performance. </p>
<p>@Frozengogurt I see, thank you
Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the curve isn’t as harsh.</p>
<p>Hopefully, other test takers also thought it was hard… based on what is on the official thread for this test <a href=“***Official May SAT Biology E/M Discussion*** - #16 by ramenforlife - Test Preparation - College Confidential Forums”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-act-tests-test-preparation/1647279-official-may-sat-biology-e-m-discussion-p2.html</a>, some people thought it was easy/medium
This was my first time taking the test though, so I may be wrong in making judgments about difficulty level </p>
<p>1 week until scores are released. Anyone else nervous?</p>
<p>arent scores released this saturday?</p>
<p>@Wannabenerd1 @Jarjarbinks23 I thought they were released today (Saturday) as well, but it still states the release date is 22nd. </p>
<p>Released tomorrow? </p>
<p>What time, anyone know?</p>
<p>8AM eastern time zone. But, in the past Collegeboard has put them up earlier than that at like 5am. </p>
<p>Ugh. 670
I’ll need to retake. </p>
<p>Got a 730, which is good enough for everywhere but Caltech. :D</p>
<p>I HAVEN’T GOTTEN THE SCORE YET!!! Mine still says “not yet available”. So what is the curve? I left two blank. </p>