How did you adjust to your college roommate if at all?

I’m asking because I’ve never lived on my own away from my immediate family and I’m in the second semester of senior year.

  1. I would suggest to not have the goal of your roommate being your best friend. If they turn out to be, then great. if not, then just having a reasonable roommate is also pretty good.

  2. Second, early on go over items like on this roommate contract:

  3. If you really think your roommate is unreasonable, talk to your RA. That is what they are there for.

  4. Keep in mind that both you and your roommate pay for the room. Obvious right?
    The implications are: Your roommate can stay in the room all the time and that is their right even though it may be annoying . Also it is your/your roommates right not to have people of the opposite sex stay over.

  5. All other freshman are going through this too.