How did you convince your parents to go to boarding school

Idk how to convince my mother
Need help

I would start by asking her to watch the next TSAO webinar (which I believe is Sunday evening). Even if the TSAO schools are not on your prospective list, the webinars give a lot of good general information about boarding school.

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Why do you want to go to BS?

I was in your spot a year ago. Now I am at BS. I started off by showing how much I was interested like making slides presentations, etc. Just don’t be too annoying about it. They said I couldn’t go but that I could try to apply and see what happens. I guess through the process they realized how good it would be for me and they let me go. What is it that makes them not want you to go? You leaving home? Money?

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There was an episode of American Housewife about this topic. Oliver wants to attend Moose Meadow (aka DA), so he attempts to become such a trouble-maker that his parents will want to send him away.

I don’t suggest you try this….but the episode is funny.

Thank you, but how would I get in contact with a student guide?

reach out to admissions and ask.

I’ll ask again: Why do you want to go to boarding school? How you answer that question might be the beginning of how you solve your problem with getting your mom on board - and help you put together a list of schools that would be great for your unique self, and prepare you for the interview process.

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