How did you decide your major?

<p>I'm so confused. I'm a sophomore and I've gone back and forth between public relations and nursing. Both of them equally interest me and I feel really confused. I talked to an advisor and they aren't any help. </p>

<p>I think it’s pretty common to feel undecided about a major, especially in your sophomore year. I’m assuming your a sophomore in high school though? I actually went to school for four years for a BS in Bus Admin and then ended up going back years later for my BSN. I found after years of working in business, it just wasn’t for me. I really wanted to have patient contact and wasn’t interested in administration. My d just finished her freshman year in a nursing program and several of her friends switched from nursing to various other majors by the end of the year. One friend actually switched her major twice already. If you have any interest at all in Nursing, I think it is much easier to switch from Nursing to another major, than the other way around. There are many schools that do not take transfers into Nursing and it is usually one of the more competitive majors to get into, especially the direct entry programs. I don’t think it would be as hard to switch from Nursing into Public Health if you decided it wasn’t for you.</p>

<p>**you’re…sorry for typos!</p>

<p>^^Also wanted to add that it might be a good idea to volunteer in a healthcare setting or shadow an RN if you have the opportunity.</p>