How difficult are AP courses? Realistically.

<p>How much time should I expect to put into these courses after class (with homework/studying)? I know its different from school to school, but what is a general time estimate for courses such as these?</p>

<p>(I've always been ahead in school and taken the most difficult classes, and getting A's in them) </p>

<p>AP Calc BC
AP Physics B
AP Chem
AP Bio
AP Environmental
AP Euro
AP Lang
AP US History</p>

<p>P.S. I'm not talking about the AP Test, I'm talking about the class itself</p>

<p>It honestly depends on the teacher. I got an A in all my AP courses so far… And it also depends on how much courseload they give you. My AP USH class was definitely the most amount of work,and I rarely did it. </p>

<p>AP Lang was super easy and same with the exam, I passed.
AP USH was very hard, got an A after tons of study. Yet I didn’t afford to take the exam.
AP Chem very easy class, yet my teacher didn’t do ANYTHING. Got a 1 on the exam because it was my very first exam, ever (no study, either).
AP Biology was kind of hard. I got a 89.9 and the teacher rounded it up, luckily. I didn’t do too well on the exam but I honestly did not study, either. </p>

<p>I hate studying for tests (I know, what a horrible thing to do). But really, it all depends on the teachers and how well they prep you.</p>

<p>Based on each day, + general difficulty out of 5 (5 being extremely difficult)
AP Calc BC - 30 min - 45 min, 2-3
AP STAT - 30 min - 45 min, 1.5-2
AP Physics B - 1.5 hr - 2 hr, 3.5-5
AP Chem - 1.5 hr - 2 hrs, 4-5
AP Bio - 1.5 hr - 2 hrs, 3-4
AP Environmental - 30 min - 45 min, 1-2
AP Euro - 1.5 hr - 2 hrs, 3-4
AP Lang - 30 min - 1 hr, 2-3
AP US History - 2 hrs - 2.5 hrs, 3.5-5</p>

<p>^Some of those hours I think are too much. I never studied 2-2.5 hours each day for AP USH. Nor did I even study for AP Chem. As I said before, it depends on the teacher. If you want to study for the test then maybe study more. Other than that, it’s meaningless for the class. That’s only my opinion. Unless of course you don’t want a life and would spend many hours on AP work.</p>

<p>Rated 1-5
Followed by tips (lol)</p>

<p>AP Calc BC - 2.5-3.5- Read the chapter and do the problems.
AP STAT - 1.5-2 - Read and do problems
AP Physics B - 2.5-3.5 - Read and do problems
AP Chem - 2-3 - Read and do problems
AP Bio - 1.5-2.5 - Read and review
AP Environmental - 1 - Read
AP Euro - 3-4 - Read and review
AP Lang - 2.5-3.5 - Read and review
AP US History , 2.0-3.5 - Read and review</p>