<p>I did not have chance to visit the school, so any constructive input would be appreciated.</p>
<p>Check out the percentages. They’re publicly reported. That’s the best anyone can do, I think. Simply looking around won’t always tell you much. The Third World Center works very hard to have programming and support for minority students on campus and student groups which are organized around minority culture are some of the most popular by far. IIRC, there is no area of Brown that is underrepresented except the physical sciences, where nationwide its nearly impossible to find programs which have reasonable percentages of black and latino students.</p>
<p>But yeah, check the Third World Center webpage and the statistics available on the general Brown site, probably under the Office of Institutional Research.</p>
<p>They certainly seem to be the most supportive/expressive out of any college I’ve visited though. Every talks about it, but the people seemed proud about the diversity they had in a legitimate way. Obviously I’m not a student there, but</p>
<p>Aside from sheer numbers, you could also look at the various student organizations on campus. A huge number of them are devoted to cultural heritage, performance, awareness, etc. </p>
<p>[Home</a> - Student Organizations @ Brown - Powered by CollegiateLink](<a href=“http://mygroups.brown.edu/Community?action=getOrgBrowse&searchType=Contains&searchValue=&searchField=orgName&orderByField=name&sortOrder=0&firstResult=0&maxResults=25]Home”>http://mygroups.brown.edu/Community?action=getOrgBrowse&searchType=Contains&searchValue=&searchField=orgName&orderByField=name&sortOrder=0&firstResult=0&maxResults=25)</p>