How do colleges see your SAT scores?

<p>So say a college super scores your SAT, compiling your best sectional score from each taking of the test. </p>

<p>Student A takes the test three times. Super scored score is 2400
1. Reading-800

Math 800</p></li>

<p>Student B takes it once, receives a 2240 the first time around, and settles for that score.</p>

<p>Who do colleges favor more?</p>


<p>What is the probability that someone who scored 800 on CR would score 600 on the next two sittings?</p>

<p>obviously it’s very hypothetical and exaggerated to get my point across…</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure student B is more favorable because with student A the college will be wondering why they could score an 800 one time but not the other times or not something relatively close like 780.</p>