<p>I took the ACT at the beginning of sophomore year and scored a 24, I took it again this past june at the end of junior year and scored a 25. I don't understand why I scored just the same when I have taken far more rigorous classes. This year I took AP Language and Composition, Pre-Calc, Advanced Global Literature and Honors Chemistry. By taking AP language and comp and getting an A- and an A, I felt like I learned a lot, my writing and understanding of the English language improved but my score doesn't reflect that. I took a practice test from The Real ACT Prep book that told me I should get a 29. Do you know why I would have scored lower? I'm trying to get a 31. What do I have to do to raise my score? </p>
<p>Sophomore Year
Composite Score : 24
English 24<br>
Usage/Mechanics 12
Rhetorical Skills 13</p>
<p>Mathematics 23<br>
Pre-Algebra/Elem. Algebra 14
Algebra/Coord. Geometry 10
Plane Geometry/Trig. 11</p>
<p>Reading 26<br>
Social Studies/Sciences 13
Arts/Literature 15</p>
<p>Science 23 </p>
<p>Combined English/Writing 23<br>
Writing (score range 2 to 12) 08</p>
<p>Junior Year
English 24
Usage/Mechanics 13
Rhetorical Skills 12</p>
<p>Mathematics 26 .
Pre-Algebra/Elem. Algebra 13
Algebra/Coord. Geometry 14
Plane Geometry/Trig. 13</p>
<p>Reading 26 .
Social Studies/Sciences 14
Arts/Literature 13</p>
<p>Science 24</p>
<p>Combined English/Writing 24<br>
Writing (score range 2 to 12) 09
27 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.</p>