<p>Since my teachers sent via mail, and the commonapp indicates "offline provider", how can I know my recommendations have been received and reviewed?</p>
<p>All my teachers' recommendations had been sent 2 months ago, but the status on commonapp's "School Forms" always says not all submitted and "This counselor/teacher has opted to submit paper school forms."</p>
<p>call the admissions office? does the school have an online status check thing where you can log in with your ID and check what’s missing?</p>
<p>commonapp.org will never tell you that your offline providers’ school forms are submitted. If your target college hasn’t contacted you to say that the recs are missing from your file, then odds are they’ve been received and matched up with your application. If you want to check anyway for peace of mind, do what spongebodge suggested.</p>