How do I look?

<p>Hey everybody! Brand new to the boards All input is appreciated.</p>

Multi-Racial (URM)
Go to a very competitive public school in Washington- ranked 18th best public school in the nation
GPA- 3.70 (UW) 3.82 (W)
Excellent upward grade trend- 3.94 (UW) 4.13 (W) w/o freshman year, assuming I receive a 3.9 or 4.0 UW senior year.
SAT- 720 W, 610 M, 660 CR- 2010
SAT II- US Hist- 650, Spanish- 610
ACT- 29, I'll try it again.
Class Rank- Not sure, it's not great though
Other- AP- Taking US History next month, and will be taking the Micro/Macro Econ., Senior English, and Envrionmental Science AP tests next spring.
Senior Classes:
AP Senior English
Leadership (required for class officers)
Integrated Pre-Calc
AP Environmental Science
Chamber Orchestra
AP Micro/Macro Economics
American Gov.</p>

<p>Teacher/Counselor Recommendations, Essay- should all be excellent when the time comes to do them.</p>

-Senior Class President
-President and Founder of a club at my school- 10-12
-4 year varsity golf letter winner- 9-12th grade
-3 year state golf qualifier
-Captain of the golf team my senior year
-Play in competitive tournaments locally as well as nationally
-Member of Asian Culture Club- 10-12
-Member of Key Club- 11-12
-6th grade camp counselor- 11-12
-Peer Mediation Team- 12
-Orchestra- 9-12
-Community service award for completing a certain amount of volunteer hours
Volunteer work at a hospital, through Key Club, camp counselor, district wide volunteering events, and various other events</p>

Pomona/CMC/Swarthmore/NYU- I have talked to all of their golf coaches, and could play on any of their golf teams. I'm looking to develop some better relationships with them over the summer to see if I can be one of their top recruits.
USC- Legacy student, my grandfather attend.

<p>Whatever golf coach from Pomona, CMC, or Swarthmore wants me most is the school I will apply ED to, but what school do of those three do you think would be the most sensible to apply ED to without golf?</p>

<p>Please chance me for the following schools:
Claremont McKenna
University of Washington (In-state)

<p>bump, bump....</p>

<p>Your SAT total should be a 1990. I can see why you got a 610 M.</p>

<p>Haha jk I know it is just a mistake. SAT II's are kind of low but I don't chance people . good luck</p>

<p>Haha my bad, that CR score should be a 680 instead of a 660.</p>

<p>your GPA is too low and you are not taking enough honors/AP classes because your WEIGHTED is almost the same as your UNWEIGHTED GPA.
SAT scores are too low, although the fact that you are a URM helps it can't raise your GPA and SAT up so work on them.</p>

<p>Pomona REACH
Claremont McKenna not sure
USC slight match
Pepperdine match
University of Washington (In-state) match
NYU slight match/match
Swarthmore reach</p>