<p>I went on the myAdmissions website and here is a print screen of the myAwards page. I don’t understand it! Can someone please help me interpret it? My EFC was 0, by the way.</p>
<p><a href=“http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/5479/myawards.gif[/url]”>http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/5479/myawards.gif</a></p>
<p>The first part (estimated cost of attendance) or $23,103 is what UCD estimates it will cost for a student to attend UCD for one year. </p>
<p>The second part is contributions: what you and your parents are expected to contribute. Since your family’s EFC is 0, your parents are not expected to contribute out of their annual income or savings. Students are expected to contribute from earnings and/or savings. You will be expected to pay $3,500. per year (you can earn this money through jobs or perhaps you have some saved). </p>
<p>After your contribution is subtracted from the estimated cost of attendance($23,105 minus $3,500) you arrive at your financial need or $19,603. </p>
<p>The last set of figures is how that financial need will be met. UCD is meeting your financial need through both grants and loans. </p>
<p>The last set of figures is the distribution by term and it is a bit confusing since the total doesn’t match your financial need. It looks like the Cal Grant is not included in the distribution by term. This may be because of the current financial troubles in the state of California. But you’d have to ask the UCD finaid office for their explanation. </p>
<p>hope that helps.</p>
<p>Thank you, that was super helpful :D. I will definitely call an official to ask for further interpretation.</p>
<p>Btw, I am from Oakland, CA, hehe.</p>
<p>Thanks, oaklandmom, you super-helped me, too! =)</p>
<p>In your experience, is “estimated” usually correct or do they embelish a bit?
I’m left with a remaining need of about 23K. Damn, I hate being out-of-state…
Will I be in-state next year, at least?</p>
<p>Their estimated is kind of high. I mean I always get about a 1k refund check from the school, because my loan and Fin Aid pays automatically.</p>
<p>I’m glad I was helpful. I can’t speak to the estimate’s accuracy for UCD. I know for my son who is in school in Pasadena, he usually doesn’t spend as much as the school estimates. (But he doesn’t get a refund check - but he has finished each year with money in the bank.) He buys few text books instead finds them on-line(bit torrent?) and he’s not a big shopper and finds all the free food he can, though I don’t know if there are free food possibilities at UCD. </p>
<p>As for California residency, I don’t think being a student in CA you’d get residency. Unless you’re financially independent from your parents, you’ll still be considered out of state (unless of course, your parents move to CA and become residents). Here’s a link from the UCD website regarding residency [UC</a> Davis General Catalog | Residence for Tuition Information](<a href=“http://registrar.ucdavis.edu/UCDWebCatalog/appendix/residency.html]UC”>Office of the University Registrar (OUR) - Tuition & Residence)</p>
<p>Aphrodite99, I lived in Oakland for years(Maxwell Park), but when my son went to college I decided to move to a small down, so I live near Davis. My son’s in school in southern California.</p>