How Do Students Pay?

<p>Pending acceptance, I really don't know if I'll be able to pay for all the expenses, and I know that NYU isn't good with financial aid. My parents don't make enough to pay for the majority of it, so how do most students pay their way at NYU?</p>

<p>I’m thinking student loans? Of course, the debt for some is probably a bunch, but I’d say it’s worth it to attend a school like NYU.</p>

<p>that’s a pretty good question!
PrincetonReview ranked NYU as the most stingy school (#1) in terms of giving financial aid.
How do the students pay??</p>

<p>scholarships, loans (stafford/perkins), Pell grants (if you are very low income), NY tap grants (for NY residents), a couple of other federal grants only for Pell grant recipients, parent loans, and ALL THE MONEY YOUR PARENTS HAVE SAVED.</p>

<p>For us, it’s a scholarship, stafford/perkins loans, my life savings.</p>

<p>But some schools, like Stern(right?), don’t give scholarships?</p>

<p>You know what, that’s a good question. I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to pay for it. Luckily, I am in the middle of a gap year and I don’t have a job, so all my time and energy is dedicated to scholarships, scholarships, scholarships. I’m not counting to get much aid because FAFSA sucks like that. My family is in the limbo-income stage, where we make too much to be considered for much need, but not NEARLY enough to pay for college out-of-pocket. </p>

<p>What I’ve decided is that hopefully I’ll get most of it in scholarships this year, and talk to the school counselors about getting more aid the following year, because otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to pay for all four years.</p>

<p>Students pay with their souls</p>

<p>All NYU schools provide Financial Aid. They tend more to the need based, but there is merit based money available too.</p>

<p>I don’t know what I’m going to do if I get accepted. I want to go so bad, but it is just so damn expensive. I don’t want to end up like the Bobst boy. lol</p>

<p>i’ll be starting life with a minimum 150g debt lol…let’s just say that me and my mom don’t get along, and even though she has a large paycheck she is only paying the first year then cutting me off…let’s hope it’s worth it lol</p>

<p>cold hard cash/trust funds… at least the 30-40% of us :)</p>

<p>and if you can’t do that… well then you’re a little bit screwed for the long term :(</p>

<p>does anyone know if you can apply for for more academic scholarships once youre a freshman, for your sophomore year? like, if a student didnt get much academic scholarship for their freshman year, and they got all As their first year, can they get more money for their sophomore year?</p>

<p>did that make ANY sense lol?</p>

<p>There are scholarships/grants for upperclassmen and you can always apply to outside scholarships as well.</p>

<p>Yeah my parents cant pay more than 10-15k a year and I dont know if I’ll get that much financial aid. Is there a max on the loans you can get?</p>

<p>As a sophmore, I’ve only been able to get $3,500 a year in subsidized Stafford loans. I think it goes up to about $5,000 after your first 2 years (find out, pease don’t quote me on that).</p>

<p>bay-area, I think the PLUS loans are up to like 50 grand or 45 grand per year or something like that.</p>


<p>Annual Loan Limits - Stafford Loan
Dependent Students
(whose parents were not denied a PLUS loan) Combined Base Limit for Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans Additional Limit for Unsubsidized Loans Total Limit for Unsubsidized Loans (minus subsidized amounts)
First-Year Undergraduate (Freshman) subsidized $3,500 unsub $2,000 total$5,500
Second-Year Undergraduate (Sophomore) $4,500 $2,000 $6,500
Third-Year and Beyond Undergraduate (Junior, Senior) $5,500 $2,000 $7,500
Preparatory Coursework (for enrollment in an undergraduate program) $2,625 $0 $2,625
Preparatory Coursework (for enrollment in a graduate or professional program) $5,500 $0 $5,500
Teacher Certification Coursework $5,500 $0 $5,500 </p>

<p>Parents plus loan is usually equal to your EFC, as long as it is not over the cost of attendance.</p>
