How do you deal with diffucult teachers that constantly put you down?

<p>I have a math teacher who is very difficult.
Everyday she starts off by condescending everyone in the class--telling us how we're lazy, slow, and she compares us to the kids back home in china where she's from. </p>

<p>well either way,
i am a humanities person--known as the lit and histoire "expert". My abilities in math are just satisfactory--I was only able to get a 680 on the math 2 subject test. But believe it or not, i am close to the top of my AP Calc class.</p>

<p>but EVERYDAY she has a smart remark to say about me. If i get one question wrong, she will be extremely loud and say "You didnt get this question right!" and it's like she wants me to get things wrong--when I do get problem right she starts to complain about how i still did it wrong even though I make sure I follow each procedure carefully. She makes me feel like crap. And I am starting to hate math and coming to her class more and more each day.</p>

<p>On top of that, when I do my work she's all looking over my shoulder constantly..its so annoying..I cant concentrate in her classroom. </p>

<p>How to deal with this situation?? i would just ignore her, but she's difficult---how a person treats her is reflected in a person's grades.</p>

<p>I cant drop AP calc either...even though i am majoring in international studies, I still want to be well rounded in mathematics.</p>


<p>Make an appointment with her and go up to her desk privately.</p>

<p>“Maam, my goal in this classroom is to learn, but there is a certain lack of morale in this classroom preventing us from learning to our full potential. We’re not lazy or stupid, and we dont appreciate you speaking to us in that manner. Youre better than that. Ur a professional woman, a great person, and a wonderful role model. You know we deserve better. Now if you want us to do better, if you want us to get better grades, if you want to see what we are truly capable of, then we will give it to you. We will open the door. But you need to back off.”</p>

<p>Btw is she asian? Even better, say that in Chinese. Lol, i might be able to come over and talk to her in chinese for you (Lol)</p>

<p>lol a heartfelt speech thanks
she is asian–i wish i knew chinese :p</p>

<p>Remind yourself that within a year, you’ll be off at a university preparing for a lucrative career and satisfying life, while she’s stuck teaching calculus to teenagers.</p>



<p>Couldn’t have said it better myself.</p>

<p>^^my math teacher used to be an executive for a large corporation. some teachers teach teens b/c they want to lol</p>