How do you guys pull it off..?

<p>nearly all the posts in this section has people scoring near 2400s.. [2200+ range] how on earth do u manage to do this? so far i'm only getting in the lower 2000s...any tips? btw i'm taking the December SAT and NEED a score of seems impossible but then again did u get that high score...i feel hopeless =[</p>

<p>Im with you on that. I took first time and got 2030 and am trying to get to 22+ as well. Many of the people did it by perfecting math and writing, and then doing above average in CR. I see man 800 M, 750 CR, and like 650 reading.</p>

<p>^ haha, thats what I'm doing right now.
It's hopeless raising my CR score, so I'm trying my hardest for 800's on Math and Writing.
It's possible, it's just the stupid mistakes that are blocking me from my goal!</p>

<p>^Stupid mistakes are never stupid. They are mistakes. Mistakes are points. Points you will never get back T_____T.</p>

<p>i guess anhti is like me.. i always get 1 or 2 wrong in math, no matter how hard i try to avoid the stupid mistakes LOL. maybe i should change my style a lil...
writing is easy , i can probably pull off a 740ish ,800 is too hard =S</p>

<p>It's all mental. I was the man, ya know? I looked around at the cafeteria stuffed with my peers and gave everyone of 'em the eye. I was the smartest there. I knew it. Nobody could touch me. Sure, they might be better athletes, better students, better musicians, better ass-kissers, but none of that mattered. We had a job to do - the SAT needed exterminating. And I knew I was the only one prepared to take on that oh so dirty job. So I took it. I threw down like I've never threw down before. I didn't take any practice tests (besides the PSAT), I didn't take the SAT in 7th/8th/9th/10th grade, I wasn't in the "gifted" program, and hell - I didn't even bother with a calculator. I was cocky. Cocky was me.</p>

<p>I just tried out a radial approach to solving my stupid mistakes.
I start from the back of the section to the front. I usually pay more attention when I first start, so I thought why not spend it on the hardest ones? It worked. Two straight 780's in a row in Math. lol</p>

<p>Someone see if this works for you.</p>

^Stupid mistakes are never stupid. They are mistakes. Mistakes are points. Points you will never get back T_____T.


<p>Haha I'm guessing you use RR?</p>

<p>lol sounds not bad =p but i guess im gona haste up a lil on the easy ones,cuz usually i do the q 2x,read 2-3x, and move on lol.. then time runs lil short, starts to panic, bam bam stupid mistakes LOL</p>

<p>Oh and Ren, most of my mistakes were from #12 onward. I've never missed a question in the first half of Math section. So if I can focus on the last questions, I can almost guarantee myself at least a 750 :]</p>

<p>Post #6: I don't know why, but this makes me laugh! what did you get on your SAT btw?</p>

<p>I got a perfect on my SAT (it upped from a 2110), and to tell you the truth, it's nothing but brutal work. Just do the problems, go over them, scrutinize your mistakes until you've got yourself figured out like an Excel sheet, and repeat procedures until your brain crashes on you...</p>

<p>My friends don't believe me when I tell them that, but trust me, after you've gone through 60+ practice exams twice/three times, you really, REALLY get the hang of everything. I was to the point where I could read a passage and predict what questions they were going to ask. It was really...infernal...but heck, it worked.</p>

<p>My orginial scores were originally:
M: 750
CR and W: 680 each</p>

<p>I raised my W first. That's the easiest for me, because writing section's just grammar, and the essay just takes some experience. </p>

<p>Next I really cracked down hard on the CR. That was probably the hardest section for me, because I've never liked to read and English is my second language. It took the most work (also, I always thought the prep books were wrong, so I'd spend useless hours trying to prove it wrong XD)</p>

<p>Finally, the math wasn't bad at all for me, because I just had to learn to focus my thoughts and write my work neatly. I lost all 50 points on my first try on Easy and Medium questions, so I just taught myself to be extra neat and careful and followed through on test day.</p>

<p>That's about all the advice I can give, I think...?</p>

<p>Although, I think I'd rather die than do it again, to tell you the truth =D</p>

<p>ivychan, what helped you on grammar the most?</p>

<p>Yeah ivychan, I find that I still miss at least 2 all the time .<em>. T</em>T</p>

<p>The funny thing is I always miss the ones I already know.
If there's a weird one, I'll always get it right.
Maybe its the fact that it seems familiar that I let my guard down.</p>

<p>anhtimmy, do you mean prep books or...?</p>

<p>Princeton review was clear-cut and concise. However, it's just English grammar. Despite all the rules, I find that the SAT Writing section doesn't dig SO far into the myraid of little rules in the English language. </p>

<li><p>Basically I just picked up a "learn-english" book for Chinese foreigners and relearned English the "proper way". This way, all the "sound-right" mistakes on the grammar section didn't get me. </p></li>
<li><p>It's also a good idea to, instead of just jogging through the grammar, to categorize all of the PT's problems (parallel structure, verb errors, etc.) so you know them personally and can pick out the errors in the exam.</p></li>

<p>I hope that helps...?</p>

<p>Ah, very helpful.
Thanks, I shall enroll myself in a crash course on English grammar!</p>

<p>Go for the 100%. </p>

<p>Remind yourself that every question is answerable -- all of the information is in front of you; your only job is to figure out what the question-writer wants. Even if it's something that seems based on knowledge (either you know it or you don't), remind yourself that you have the mental tools to figure it out.</p>

<p>I’ve never encountered one of these supposed “sound-right” mistakes… improper grammar sounds wrong.</p>

<p>Advice from a 2100’er who jumped to a 2300+:</p>

<p>1) Take Practice Tests
2) RELAX while your taking the test.</p>