How do you guys pull off getting the minimum of 13 units?

<p>I only need to take 13 units each semester in order to graduate.</p>

<p>As of now, I have three 4 unit registered classes totaling to 12 registered units, and I have a 2 unit class wait listed. All the 1 unit courses I found were freshman and sophomore seminars and the PE courses were .5 units each and they didn't fit my schedule so this time around I couldn't get that extra unit and most likely will end up with a 14 unit schedule unless I find a 3 unit course to substitute that 4 unit upper div History elective.</p>

<p>So how do you guys go about getting 13 units?</p>

<p>DeCals are your friend </p>

<p>[url=<a href=“”>]DeCal[/url</a>]</p>


Very bad idea!</p>

<p>Taking 13 units each semester will be horrible for your TeleBEARS appointment times and as you progress. Assuming you have no CC units, you will not have enough units to progress to Sophomore, Junior, and Senior non-AP level’s on time (these are on BearFacts).</p>

<p>Your non-AP level controls which non-calendar-week your TeleBEARS is in, your unit total (UC/CC/AP/IB) controls where in this window your TeleBEARS appointment is.</p>

<p>For example, with this plan, at the end of spring your sophomore year, you will only have 52 units. With 52 units, BearFacts and TeleBEARS (for Fa11 course registration) will still treat you as a sophomore even though you will be entering your third year. As a result, your appointment times will be crap compared to your peers.</p>

<p>If you can’t get good TeleBEARS, you won’t be able to get into your classes and will have lot of difficulty getting into the classes you need. In the long run as you will have progressively worse TeleBEARS (relative to your peers) until you do something to obtain a large number of units all of sudden.</p>

<p>TeleBEARS is a positive feedback loop. Once you start doing things to get crappy TeleBEARS, you will get progressively worse TeleBEARS each term (relative to your peers). Though on the other hand, if you start doing things to get good TeleBEARS, you will get progressively better TeleBEARS each term (relative to your peers).</p>

<p>Oh wait, I just found out you are a transfer. Some of what I said will be still valid (though probably not all)</p>

<p>Anyways I guess my post will still be useful for frosh browsing around these fora.</p>

<p>I’m guessing the 13 units a semester adds up to 120 units? You can go up to 130 so why take the bare minimum?</p>

<p>At this point, instead of worrying about getting 13 units, I would just worry about getting classes you’re really interested in. Taking a 3 or 4 unit course gives you 15/16 units, which is a healthy schedule at Cal. If you end up thinking you want more free time, drop the course after you get your decal.</p>

<p>13 </p>

<p>Thanks for that tidbit, anon5524485. I thought you couldn’t go over 130 no matter what, but if you can that’ll leave me free to minor and take a few classes I want to take for fun.</p>

<p>PoliSci 179 is your friend.</p>

<p>Woah bartleby, thanks!</p>

<p>I’ve got 13 units now!</p>